[center][b][u]BASIC INFORMATION[/u][/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b]Jenna James Bartlett [b]Nicknames:[/b] “JJ” [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Height:[/b] 5'1” [b]Weight:[/b] 150 lbs [b]Faction:[/b] Neutral ----------- [center][u][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/u][/center] [b]Hair Colour:[/b] Black [b]Eye Colour:[/b] Hazel [b]Ethnicity:[/b] African-American [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Jenna James is a short, rotund teenager who reached physical maturity too early and despite her large-breasted and undeniably curvy form she often gives the general impression of a girl trying far too hard to be a woman. Her most striking feature is her thick, untameable curly hair which she wears naturally – almost like a lion's mane. Disregarding her unattractive, apple-shaped figure, she is still decently pretty by conventional standards. Her skin is extremely dark, more so than most of her family, but it is relatively untouched by acne and other problems that puberty brings. Jenna James learned fairly early on how to apply make-up so as to 'hide' the perceived problems with her facial structure. As a result, highlighting and contouring techniques hide the sagging eye sockets, thin the too-wide nose and emphasise her favourite feature – lips in a perfect cupid's bow shape. [b]Attire:[/b] Jenna James lives in a bad part of town; therefore, it is not uncommon for her apparel to be called “trashy” – particularly by bullies. Typically she wears clothes designed to showcase cleavage for women much, much older than herself, usually in vibrant teals and purples. She prefers large loop earrings and has lip piercings (snake bites). When exploring the city's abandoned buildings, she tends to wear cargo pants and novelty t-shirts bought by friends and family as Christmas presents. ----- [center][u][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/u][/center] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] Jenna James appears to be a reserved girl, often lurking at the back end of groups and hard to notice at first. She is always friendly, if slightly distant, and willing to talk to anyone; however, it is clear she is wary of anyone she meets – distrustful enough to leave out key information and force conversation to easier, more general topics like the weather. Her attempts at this can be clumsy and obvious. Insults thrown her way seem to be shrugged off; she has a particularly thick-skin. In reality, she is shy. It is a trait not earned naturally but rather from years of verbal abuse and psychological warfare during school and even in her own home; a case of “once bitten, twice shy” when it comes to social interactions. Jenna James finds herself baffled by the slightest kindness but often clings to it like a lifeline. Her thick-skin is just a front. While she can take criticism well from strangers as she has done all her life (by refusing to listen), if it is from the mouth of a friend or family member it is shattering to her already fragile self-esteem. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Her hobbies are urban exploration, creating street art (sometimes for a commission) and photography. She also takes an interest in the history of her town, particularly the most gruesome of murder mysteries. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Jenna James is excellent when it comes to art in many mediums from pencil drawings to spray paint on abandoned buildings in River Hill – she won several local contests for her talent. As the oldest of four, she learned to cook fairly well to sustain her younger siblings without a stable parental figure. She is intelligent, even if her school reports don't suggest that, and her IQ is surprisingly high. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Camera – Saved up for it herself using winnings from an art competition. Has many memories of her and siblings stored on it – including several irreplaceable ones with her now deceased younger brother. Taking 'family portraits' and constantly being asked to do so makes her feel worthwhile, like she is truly a part of it. [b]Family:[/b] Johnny Bartlett || Father || Alive, lives with. Marie Bartlett || Mother || Alive, divorced, moved to Kansas. James Bartlett || Older Brother || Died shortly after birth. Named after. Jimmy Bartlett || Younger Brother || Dead. Killed as a bystander in gang warfare. Jack Bartlett || Younger Brother || Alive. Has behavioural issues at school and is in general not a nice person. Jonathan Bartlett || Younger Brother || Alive, lives with. Undiscovered meta-human. ------- [center][b][u]RELATIONSHIPS:[/u][/b][/center] Malcolm Okada || Boyfriend ------ [center][b][u]ABILITIES[/u][/b][/center] [b]Power Class:[/b] Extra-Sensory [b]Power:[/b] [u]Psychometry[/u] – “[i]The user obtains historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects they can observe by their senses.[/i]” Jenna James has a form of psychometry wherein if she touches an object or living organism, she is immediately drawn into the strongest (unseen) memory, usually linked to times of high emotion. The memory is always from first person, and she never has control over what has been seen – only that if she touches an item or person again she will not receive the same vision. From these, she can learn of events – like murders – where the evidence was hidden and piece it together from there. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] – Jenna James cannot stop a memory once she is subject to it and so must wait it out, no matter how long it takes. Although time passes differently and an hour inside the vision may only be a minute or so outside, it can (and will) earn her strange looks as her eyes cloud over and she stands perfectly still. – The emotions she feels most connected to are terror, anger, embarrassment and crippling loneliness as the pleasanter options like love and happiness are far rarer in River Hill. Since she must relive the memory as one of the person(s) affected by it, she will experience those emotions flooding her system. It may well have a physical effect on her, with terror speeding up her heart rate and adrenaline production. – Jenna James' subconscious mind picks up small slivers of nonsensical memories too, and as a result her dreams are plagued with confusion and characters that she has never met before. She rarely gets a good night's sleep as a result, even when psychometry is taxing on her mental state and she needs the rest. -------- [center][u][b]OTHER[/b][/u][/center] – Has a meta-human boyfriend named Malcolm ("Mal") whose power is the opposite of hers – a form of what appears to be precognition. He is a supporter of the Vanguard but has recently turned to private investigation, mostly because they make a wicked double act. The team's services have always been open to the gang. – Every time she receives a vision, a miniscule part of her genome changes. It is not clear what this is for or doing to her body overall. This change is unrelated to the transposon discovered to be linked to her powers as it causes the mutation.