A young spellborn slowly walked down the street, holding a note and reading it over and over again. His long hair flowed in the wind, but it was not normal hair. It had the colors of flowing black, gray, and white, with a spot of red and orange here and there. "So, this tavern, the 'Slutty Potato', it should be around here. But why do these people even need me? Why can't anyone leave me alone for 5 minutes? A swear, random strangers are getting worse than my parents. But why are they asked a child like me to head off into a tavern to save the king? Honestly, is these people need mere children than they are already lost. And why is this tavern called the 'Slutty Potato' anyway? They don't even have private parts, or a brain, and even if they did they would not have enough insight in order to be slutty. This just seems like a stupid game, why am I even questioning these stupids things out loud?" He asked himself. He then put th note in the pocket of his tunic as he reached his destination, the Slutty Potato. "Not how I would run a tavern, but most people around here are idiots." He said to himself. And with that, he braced himself as he opened the door walked in, expecting the worst like normal.