Roy's eyes widened in surprise, his eyebrows raised. He had not expected such a reaction from the girl over a feather. A passerby would think she'd won the lottery or earned the chance to meet some celebrity. As she mused over what to make with the potion he began looking through his bag and pulled out a thin box and a small stack of paper. Rhea's owl seemed to react to the word experiment. Roy looked up from his bag, an amused look on his face. "That owl seems to think that's not a very good idea," he said, as he took his own seat. "You know there's plenty of books in the library, you could just look for potions involving a raven's feather. Wouldn't want to waste a gift on a less than superb potion would you? Even if it is just a feather from that silly old 'songbird'." Removing a pencil from the box he began to sketch out the basic shape of a raven. The image of Singer was fresh in his mind, and it seemed like a fun challenge to try to convey the idea of David's bird singing in a drawing. He was listening to Rhea as she spoke but he was quickly getting caught up in the recreation of the raven. Her question about a brother in Hufflepuff brought his attention back, and he looked up at her, his pencil stopped in the middle of a line. There was a blank expression on his face as he tried to recall what she had said. He had definitely heard it but it hadn't fully registered. Something about siblings in the same house. "Yeah for the most part siblings end up in the same house, or at least the same two. I think being raised by the same parents you learn to value the same things. And of course most people want to be in the same house as their siblings. Not us. I guess we're a little bit different." He smiled as he began to answer the next question. "Yes, actually. I have a brother who was in Hufflepuff. My oldest brother, Titus. You could say he was [i]special[/i]. He's got his hands full being an Obliviator. Then there was Gus in Gryffindor who went off to do volunteer work. Judoc and me in Ravenclaw. And finally Nolan in Slytherin. He's a second year, so you might know him?" The girl was what, a third year?