[center][img=http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k202/Ythania1/rsz_5___by_natekaranlit-d6jd09e_zpsf7b97353.jpg] [b]Username:[/b] Stitches | [b]Pure Name:[/b] Healing | [b]Nickname:[/b] Hylia [b]Personality:[/b] ♫ Weak/Delicate ♫ Seemingly Apathetic (Shows very little regard for emotion and personality in herself and other people) ♫ Graceful ♫ Optimistic ♫ Fearful ♫ Somewhat independent, still relies on friends. Healing happens to be one of the stranger essences. Whenever she manifests, she seems to retain an otherworldly sense around her - a feeling of detachment from the rest of the world. She isolates herself with the other Essences now, and focuses solely on the mission at hand. Like a flower, she will constantly bloom, but is very [b]weak or delicate[/b] and takes wounds worse than, for example, Justice might take. Once, she used to be bright and energetic and lively, constantly boosting the Essences' morale. She used to be excited to destroy corruption, and met many people with whom she would become friendly with; perhaps more than friends at some points, especially if the 'mission' took decades to complete. But, as time wore on, a darkness started to settle into Healing's heart - a darkness she could feel, stirring within her. It sapped at her personality. She became cold, something incredibly [b]graceful[/b] yet separating herself from everything else with some sort of invisible wall. She no longer whizzed around like the excited girl she used to be - she matured into an emotionless being, yet still shows signs of her steadfast, everlasting [b]optimism[/b] - the one thing that never changed within the Essence. In truth, Healing is [b]fearful[/b] - she's afraid of what is to come. She demands that the other Essences call her by her pure name, she doesn't get into contact with anything else. She has become [b]somewhat independent[/b], almost wary of the other Essences. She retains a distance, but she still [b]relies on her friends[/b] to comfort her on those rare moments when she needs it. Most of the time, she is thinking and pondering over fate, and what is to come. Example Post: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/63735/posts/ic?page=1#post-2005149]Very big post[/url] [/center] ----------------------- Do we get any magical powers in this RP - and are they 'in moderation' types of spells? In the sense of 'You can have anything you like, but be sure to keep it realistic'? I'm not used to such a small Character Sheet, see....