-Dedicated RPers wanted. Only join if you can post somewhat regularly most of the time- Solitude was a planet far from human controlled space for a long time. After the events that transpired on the Sprawl, more colonization projects were initiated by Earthgov in an attempt to create havens for humanity, just in case the ultimate Necromorph outbreak ended life on Earth, or even the entire Solar System. It was at this point that Solitude was now a major location of interest for humanity. Colonization attempts were initiated across space, as far as humanity could reasonably go. Solitude was founded ever so slightly beyond that boundary, and it was isolated from direct travel to Earth as a result. To get here, people would have to travel to the slightly closer, smaller colony of Yuran. After the first 20 years, the results were unbelievably astounding. The planet reached a population of 800 million, 70% of which were Unitologist immigrants, and another 7% were born in Unitologist families. For the most part, the Unitologists kept completely to themselves. A small continent slightly smaller than Australia even formed an absolute government and forbade all Unitologist Activity, Unitology related items, and even people with any form of history with the Church of Unitology. But this all occurred near the end of Solitude's history of peacefulness... Unitologists got back into the groove of things, and they kept their little projects under the radar. Several Markers were rebuilt with data collected from an unknown source. This data was also shared with different churches in different locations, and before long, history was destined to repeat itself. Upon the first instance of Necromorph infection, Yuran was hoarded with both Earthgov personnel in charge of halting all migration from Solitude, and people from Solitude whose migration attempts were met with brutal execution in order to stop any potential spreading across worlds. Of course, whether this was successful or not is unknown to the people who still reside on Solitude. News coverage was stopped shortly before the outbreak reached the global scale, and from then on it was complete chaos. Almost no survivors reside in what used to be major Urban population centers, and spotting the dead can be difficult in the dense forests of implanted trees from Earth itself. Rural small towns also exist across the planet, and many may still be functioning communities for the time, offering food, safety, and maybe even a permanent home to weary passerby. This story takes place on Ptolemia, the second smallest of four continents on the planet. [img=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--CGB_3tS---/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18kyh6etzw8o7jpg.jpg] Locations are intentionally unmarked. Nine major cities are on this continent: [hider=Major Cities]The old capital, Thano, as well as Refute, Gaussington, Indigo, New Charleston, Unitolo, Ferro, Oleander City, and New Providence.[/hider] [hider=Factions]Kappalius: The only continent on the planet in which has remained infection free. This can be largely attributed to the zero-tolerance policy on Unitology activity. Giant walls were erected before the outbreak within the waters of the ocean near the shores. These are constantly being maintained by government workers for the unified continent in order to keep out sea-faring necromorphs. Kappalius will not be prevalent in the RP until the point when characters decide to try and travel there. Until then, all that will be seen from them are massive naval ships near the shores of Ptolemia and footsoldiers from the strangely well equipped military that are sent to various locations on the other three continents to try and find a solution to the Solitude outbreak, and to eradicate any Unitologists and Necromorphs they find. Unitologist characters be warned, these guys will shoot the moment they find out your affiliation with the Church. -The rest of this section is a placeholder-[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet Format]Name: Age: Gender: Affiliation with Church: (Y/N) Appearance: Brief backstory: Personality: Preferred fighting style: Faction affiliations: Other:[/hider] Rules: Have fun. 1 starting weapon per character. Consult the [url=http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Weapons]Dead Space Wiki[/url] to get help with weapon selection. Kinesis module is allowed. Not every character can be affiliated with Kappalius from the start. 1-2 max. No godmoding, obviously. Be wise about what kind of location to start your character in. Have fun. Post regularly. Too much time between posts causes that old flame to die out as we all know, so please post as much as you can. I understand that this cannot be done all the time. Again, please have fun. :D