[b]Interrogation Chambers[/b] There was no response from the Witch, it just sat there and watched her briefly through the thick glass, eyes narrowing and widening as it studied her, before suddenly, it spoke. But not out loud, it spoke all around Dr.Vahlen, in her mind, rendering the translation spell useless. "[i]Names... An organic creation, used to give meaning to their existence, as if they had an actual preordained purpose or their life actually mattered. Such labels are useless to us. We exist, in a state so much greater, and yet more terrible, than you can ever hope to enjoy. We have pierced the Veil of Eternity, as you fumble at it's precipice, afraid of what lies Beyond. We have peered into the Depths of Time, while you wither and die, failing to see the majesties around you. We are your Masters, and you are our Servants.[/i]" [b]Facility A-1[/b] The mummified bodies fell out of each pod one by one, suspended by the tubes that hooked viciously into their backs. Underneath their dark, wrinkly skin the piping could be seen to wrap around their bones, especially around their rib cages, their toothless mouths open in silent screams that ended long before the scientists analyzing them had left the safety of their caves and crude fires. Each specimen was the same, and showed a violent and painful looking process where their insides had turned to machines, for some unknown purpose. It was almost certain that these creatures had faced the Ethereal Gathering and lost. With luck, the Union would not fail as these poor people once had to defeat them. The reactor core was nothing more than a white energy sheet, rippling at the edges and blending the lines between this universe and the next. Glowing points of exotic particles fell from it's edges, and the floor panel would glow as they hit the ground, accelerated and directed to their required destination for power generation. This machine was indeed a portal of some kind, though it wasn't for transportation. No living thing could enter that chamber and survive to get close, as dangerous beams of light shot out and were also absorbed by the walls.