[center][b]Onaburu-kai[/b] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f5/Oda_emblem.svg/150px-Oda_emblem.svg.png[/img][/center] [hider=the Hanamoto-kai]The Hanamoto-kai have been ruled by the Hanamoto family from Kyoto, Japan for decades, being founded around 1912 as the result of a rivalling family being eliminated by the leading Hanamoto family member of that time. This gave them enough lands to annexate from them, giving them the authority they'd need to play in a level playing field with the other families. After the three biggest families of the Yakuza moved their interests to places outside of Japan in 1967, the Hanamoto-kai saw their chance and the newly appointed Oyabun, or family boss, sent many young Hanamoto men to the States, but also to Europe. After all, these lands were unclaimed so he could gain land unhindered. This didn't turn out too well for them - as a result of a power struggle in 1990 with the leading Yakuza family of that era, the Onaburu-kai, the weakened position of the Hanamoto-kai in Kyoto was almost erradicated and they held onto only a few fronts. With the death of the leader [b]and[/b] his heir in this war, the Hanamoto-kai was put under the new management of the Onaburu-kai as a small, minor gang. Remaining members of the family had no choice but to accept, as there was very little influence left in Kyoto. Now they work for the Onaburu-kai, operating in Crown City mostly. Their main ways of making money is.. [list][*]Human trafficking.[/*] [*]Drugs smuggling.[/*] [*]Extortion.[/*] [*]Petty crimes.[/*] (Theft, robbings.) [*]Illegal services such as liquidations.[/*] [/list] What makes it hard to track them down for the Police Department is that they are fully integrated into Japanese, and nowadays Asian culture in general. The people in Chinatown and other Asian parts of the city are used to the Yakuza, and have accepted them as their go-to protection, rather than the PD. Furthermore, the front that they do good to the community around them is also true, as the crimes are noticeably aimed less at Asians, and more on anyone that isn't a part of their accepted cultural group.[/hider] --- [b]The Family[/b] --- [center][i][b]Minamoro[/b][/i] [img]http://cult-mag.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/yakuza21.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Minamoro Hanamoto, Oyabun[/hider][b]Name:[/b] Minamoro Hanamoto. [b]Age:[/b] 56. [b]Personality:[/b] Minamoro used to be a real hothead when he was in his teens, getting into fights with rival streetgangs at an early age. The many cuts on his face, hands and chest are testament to that. But now that he's older he has become more calm, collected and less easy to anger. However, he does not tolerate [b]any[/b] kind of insults. And we all know that the Yakuza will take insult to the slighest hint of disrespect. He is a man that cares greatly for the Hanamoto-kai. He puts this gang first, as Yakuza often sever ties with their own family, father, mother, brothers and sisters that are not in the Yakuza, in order to be accepted into the new family that is the gang. So in a way he is a family man. Over the years he has had a few children however, and they now fill the ranks of the Hanamoto-kai as is tradition, another testament to his family oriented leading style. [b]Gang:[/b] Hanamoto-kai. [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Minamoro was in service of the Hanamoto-kai in Crown city, working under his father which was the Oyabun of that time. He had been sent because his elder brother was the heir to the family and thus there was no real need of Hanamoro in Kyoto. When his father passed Minamoro was elected the new Oyabun, something quite unregular but it fit the situation. He immediatly surrendered to the Onaburu, not seeing the point in losing the last of his territories in Kyoto to them as well. He agreed to pay a monthly fee of 10% of his entire income to the Onaburu-kai, a considerable sum considering it was to be paid before any other expenses are paid. This is what likely saved his territories in Kyoto, though he cannot claim total control over them as they are partly owned by the Onaburu. Over the years he has lost control of the Kyoto areas more and more, only owning them in name and not in actuality. Most of his control seems to be in Crown city, and fairly the influence he has there is quite big.[/hider] [center][i][b]Yokuzin[/b][/i] [img]http://ilarge.listal.com/image/1268138/936full-shun-oguri.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Yokuzin Hanamoto, wakagashira (first lieutenant)[/hider][b]Name:[/b] Yokuzin Hanamoto. [b]Age:[/b] 24. [b]Personality:[/b] Yokuzin is the loudest, most aggressive of the Hanamoto family members. Growing up he'd frequently get in fights with his siblings - but more so with his peers in high school. He later on dropped out and started actively working for his father. First off he'd start with a captain, working as a muscle of sorts to make sure everyone paid their debts and to conduct shady bussiness such as violence against other crimes, drugs smuggling (the receiving end, ofcourse, not the smuggler itself). Most notably however he has never done anything with human trafficking, despite this being the Yakuza's specialty. He's become a hardened individual who's not scared of violence in the slightest and who can be very cruel to anyone that crosses his path. He's very, very much so capable of prolonged torture just because someone crossed him terribly. [b]Gang:[/b] Hanamoto-kai [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Yokuzin was raised to be the wakagashira when the previous wakagashira had proven to be incapable of doing his job, meaning he'd run off with a bunch of money after every collection day. Yokuzin himself was sent to deal with this and they made sure to do it properly. The man's face was burned over and over with scorcing water. The act of splashing the water on the mans face with a bucket was a troublesome job but Yokuzin took it upon himself to do it, being relieved from his water-splashing duty by others ever so often. The man held out this face burning for aproximately 13 hours before caving in and falling unconscious, upon which Yokuzin simply slit his throat like a butcher did with a struggling pig. By now the man had such a burned face he couldn't be recognised, so they stripped his clothes, took all the personal items he had and threw him in a lake. The PD never found any clues, and investigation was stopped only 2 weeks after it started. Ever since then, people followed his orders without question - lest they be reminded of a burnt face.[/hider] [center][i][b]Iokai[/b][/i] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1659879005/hj.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Iokai Tsukya, Shatei (little brother)[b]Name:[/b] Iokai Tsukya. [b]Age:[/b] 19. [b]Personality:[/b] Iokai was not born into the Hanamoto family, but like most of the others was ''adopted'' after they'd sever ties with their own families. They may not get to wear the family name, they do have some form of economical stability and protection. Due to this however he has a totally different upbringing from peers like Yokuzin, and as a result Iokai is a much more calm person. He performed well in high school but like so many others dropped out and got involved with criminality. At first, it was just because it was the thing to do - many young teens get in with the Yakuza because it's just cool. That's what got Iokai into it. Later when he was a bit older, it was the money, nice clothes and a car. Being cool seemed less important. However, Iokai never really got out of that ''being cool'' period and seems to use the money, clothes and the cars to get more street cred - he's what they call a new age Yakuza, someone who actively enjoys their riches rather than save it for the next generation. [b]Gang:[/b] Hanamoto-kai [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Iokai dropped out of highschool when he was about 15, and left his elderly home. He wandered the Chinatown of Crown city, and was soon picked up on by the Yakuza. They saw a young boy who wandered the streets when he should be in school. So they asked him to do a few things for them for some money. To them, it was pocket change. To a 15 year old Iokai, it was 200 dollars. Soon enough he became more and more involved - it led to his imprisonment at the age of 18 for an armed robbery, but he got out a year later because he was considered 'just an accomplice.' And that's just what he is - an accomplice.[/hider] I might add some more members later, but I'm not sure. Is this good enough?