The King and Queen were both surprised when the young girl entered the room alone, a large mallet in her hand. The Lord General was more than startled, his hand going to the large sword at his hip, but Lady Ophelia addressed him quickly. "Lord General Feyne, stay your hand! This is one of those who have been invited." Her attention then turned to the young woman who'd entered. [url=]Lady Ophelia[/url] had a striking countenance, dressing in pure white and having her long light blue hair tied up in in an elegant ponytail style. She spoke to the girl, her blue eyes boring into her and her voice gentle, but firm. "You know, you should have had a guard escort you. I gave you that rune for a purpose, not simply to be fancy." Her attention turned back to the [url=]King[/url] and [url=]Queen[/url]. "This is Fiona Solrock. She is an earth mage, and rumored to be quite skilled," she said, gesturing to the young girl. She had hardly finished speaking when there came the sound of marching feet from down the hallway and in a few moments a large number of guards entered the room, apparently escorting three people. One was a young man, and the other two were rather dark looking figures clad in full armor. The [url=]Lord General[/url]'s hand clenched on his sword, his teeth gritted at the appearance of the two knights. He knew what they were, and by association, who the young man was likely to be. He turned his furious gaze onto Lady Ophelia and practically shouted at her, "You never told me that you'd invited a Necromancer here! You know that their kind are dangerous criminals of the highest order! Why would you invite him here, where he could cause the most damage!" Lady Ophelia's eyes locked onto the Lord General's burning gaze, steely and unflinching, her voice cold and hard. "Do you think me a fool, General Feyne? I would never sanction his being here if I though this man would harm anyone after being summoned here. I would never put our King and Queen in danger. I've had my spies watching him in every town he's been to in the last month, making sure he was trustworthy. While I can't say I like the idea of a Necromancer being here any more than you do, he could be of great use to us. Now, call off the guards." The Lord General's gaze stayed locked on hers for a long moment, then he turned to the guards and waved them off, shooting a look of disgust and contempt at the Necromancer. Lady Ophelia turned to the young man, looking at him for the first time, her gaze just as cold and hard as it had been when she looked at the Lord General. "Your two cronies will have to leave as well, you may have them wait outside. I trust that my judgement of you is not false, because believe me, if you try anything while in this room, the Lord General will not be the only one willing to destroy you in the blink of an eye."