[center]Charity came back to see that everyone left, except her brother, who was waiting for her. "Did everyone le-" [i]"We have to go to Doomed Town"[/i] Said Mikhal. Charity grew annoyed. "We walked all the way here just to go somewhere else..." Before saying anything else, she conjured up twin blades that clamped to her arms. "I dont think I'd need them, but just in case. What you scared about the guild?" She looked at Frin before looking at her brother. [i]"I'll tell you everything while walking to the next time, it'll just take a couple of hours."[/i] Charity almost ran out the door if it wasnt for a kid walking in. "Watch where you're going!" She said. "Hmmph.." She mumbled. Mikhal walked up to both of them, bowed, and said, [i]"Sorry about that, we were just leaving."[/i] The two siblings walked out. "So you gonna tell me what happen?" [i]"We have ten days till the goblin meeting happens, if we save the goblin king by then the war will happen, that is why we have to go to Doomed town."[/i] Charity nodded as she started walking.[/center]