Work in progress, saving my spot. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Nation sheet Name - The Kingdom of Marmon Flag - A Golden snake eating its own tail on a coal black background Capital - Mallkim (The City of Thieves) Other Major Settlements - city of Prokleti, Pakarahel, Dekara, and the southern Keep and town of Cholerny Population - around one and a half million Races - Primarily human, but a mix of the worlds races may be found on Marmon streets Culture - Once a bustling hub for economic pursuits such as business and banking, it has now fallen into the crevice of corruption and poverty. The culture remains idealistic and flavorful despite the weakened government and sense of despair that usually fogs the crime ridden streets. Most people look to the old ways for a sense of comfort against cold realities, however a warm beacon of hope and nationalism caresses even the coldest of hearts in such times. The clustering of the major settlements in the north create a sort of cultural schism, the north being criminal and much more urban, while the south a heavily wooded escape from the internal issues of the country, kept by farmers, hunters, and tiny secluded villages that harbor tinges of the old ways, before the unification into a single kingdom. Crimes - The illegal trading that goes on in Marmon is challenged with the title of most popular crime, only seconded by murder and treason. The justice system is currently heavily stunted and usually corrupt, being controlled by criminal lords rather than the crown. Government type - Monarchy, Under the unlucky king of this mess reigns the Dukes of the major settlements, or at least that is how it is suppose to run. Three major criminal lords have their blood soaked hands on the government more than the nobles of the land, and especially the incompetent (or too scared to do anything) King. People in power - King Jeffsoff Curlow- a tall and skinny man, with hair as dark as night and eyes to match. He essentially looks like a Marmonite, but acts more like one of the many street rats, except a lot more cowardly. Many say they cant blame him, he is in the prime of his life, late twenties, and his father was recently murdered for saying something rather unpopular with the crime lords. Jeffsoff quickly inherited the "doomed" throne as the more colorful call it and with it, three points to three daggers from three crime lords aimed for his jugular should he step out of line. Henry Lempeter, Duke of Cholerny- Dukes of Prokleti, Pakarahel, and Dekara(Russell Curlow, Victor Curlow, Gregory Tindle) Cohort Commander Mikus Dominum - Last official military leader, long since gone rogue with his cohort in an attempt to keep the south uncorrupt. A tall well built soldier, a fierce and just leader, and a wise strategist and military commander. Verchoff Ferleni, Crime Lord- "The Bull" A rough and tumble thug gone glorified criminal warlord. His gang started as extortionists and now unofficially own half the country and many nobles in his bloody pocket. His thugs strike fear in the hearts of those who disobey The Bull. His mercenaries are renown, just like his thirst for power. He is considered the most aggressive, and violent of the three. His fingers dip in any crime you can think of. Helena Surpian, Crime Lord- "Sister Death" Queen of the Marmon hit-men, deadly professionals who throw off the shackles of society and live with her fatalness in a quiet retreat, honing every muscles and instinct used to kill, returning to the world as deadly breezes in the night, stealing the last breath of their poor victims. Some claim she personally killed the previous king. Her killers, known as the Scarlet Winds hold the smallest numbers compared to the other two Criminal Lords, The Bull being in the lead in that department, but she clearly has the quality, the deadly deadly quality. "By any means necessary." Jacque Armain, Crime Lord- "The King of Thieves" a natural born thief and tactical leader in the art of taking whatever you want. Once a pauper of unknown descent, he now rules over a large mass of thieves bound by code and the primal joy of the swipe. He has less hand in the politics of the nation and keeps to ruling his own nation behind a nation in usual silence, he is considered the milder of the three major criminal bosses, and keeps a special place in his spirit for the poor and pauper, instructing his myriad of thieves to treat them fairly... nobles, corrupt, and middle class however, are open game. Freelancer Thieves tend to be looked down upon by members of this faction, as most freelancers tend not to carry the "honor among thieves" approach they do, and rarely if ever associate with them. Industry- Once known for fine metals and wooden works, it is now known for illegal substances, possibly human smuggling, and all sorts of terrible exports. Many shadier clients seek the many hitman, criminal lords, and other dirty dealers for hire. The country has no formal import, as trade is private due to the governments crippled state. Military - The royal army! A glamorous sigil of civility and ambitious rule! Well, at least it once was. With the current state of the government and the lack of collected taxes, supporting a well equipped and trained disciplined army of any size is fantasy. Therefore the nation has been reduced to (widely unsuccessful) levies for military support, with little fortification of what is left of the Royal army; a handful of loyal calvary men (around fifty), a squad of regal archers (100) and the last remaining cohort of infantry (480). However these remaining glimpses of the glamorous past are in disrepair and are barely available to the crown, the last cohort and archers for example remain as self governing units in the south in an little known location, trying to keep order, and probably housing in tiny villages or one of the many carved underground passages in the mountains. The calvary remains in the city of thieves, mustering what little loyalty remains to the Curlow crown. The infantry are equipped with heavy protecting bossed shields and worn swords, once used elegantly in fierce synchronized thrusts. Their segmented armor is either long disposed or in poor condition and most have resorted to gambits and what chain they can get their hands on. The archers are little more than glorified hunters at this point, with the exception of carefully preserved military archer tactics from the glory days. They are defenseless at close range with the exception of a mace or hatchet, and maybe a rare warhammer. The calvary or "Curlow's riders" remain in an air of "supremacy", they have the most well kept weapons, considering their closeness to the crown, But some claim it is much more due to possible internal corruption and selling out to criminal lords. These rumors may or may not be true, as the calvary daily receives death threats for their stance for the crown. They wear mail and carry riding shields and polished lances, with a shorter weapon, usually a short sword, on their hip. Landscape/Terrain - The north is a green temperate valley, bordered by the ocean, amiable land is plenty. The south is rather mountainous, the peaks naturally cold, steep, tall, and frozen with warm deep valleys filled with lush green forests that span for miles. History -Races Sheet Name - Human (Marmonite) Appearance - Tall and broad, men usually have a lot less pleasurable curves that resemble the powerful mountain peaks, while the women are a lot more like the pleasant and beautiful valleys, both however, being as strong as the mountain itself, and as flexible as the woodlands. Natural abilities - highly adaptive, well spoken, and intelligent beings brimming with motivational emotions and ideals. They are hardy and can easily pick themselves up and rush right back into the fray. Lifespan - 60-80 years, possibly more or less. Homeland - Marmon