I accept these terms and conditions as long as Brick can go with them, because if not Brick and Tony would probably end up killing each other over a bet they made playing poker and I want to have Brick help out in some way (and be out badass-ed by two girls who are about half his weight each) while Tony and Manu (if he sticks with them) are fapping around building a camp (or something, assuming Tony doesnt kill him with his axe out of a fit of drunken annoyance induced rage first. Come to think of it everyone's in danger of that). Again, I'm flexible and just about anything you come up with I'll be all for. They'll kill it and all three of them will be dragging it back and then Tony will be like 'wtf are we gonna do with this' and probably will end up hitting someone with a piece of meat. I'm going to come up with a bunch of funny moments over the duration of the RP. Probably the most notable being where they come across a whole stash of weapons and ammo in some back country house and a truck with a really high lift kit or something and then praise the redneck gods for their blessing. Your bodies best be getting ready.