Basic Information Name: Cassidy Lynn Daniels Nickname/Alias/Etc: Cass. The Fox. Little Miss Trickster. Gender: Female Age: 26 Height: 5’6 Weight: 125 Appearance Hair Color: Dark brown hair with a streak of purple. Eye Color: One eye blue. One eye green. No, wait. They’re both green. No, hold up, they’re both blue. What? She must be switching out contacts or something. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Physical Appearance: Cassidy’s slender. Her arms, legs, and torso are all skinny, albeit this is normally masked a bit by her ensemble. She’s visibly quirky, a mischievous and mysterious smile almost constantly tugging at the ends of her thin pink lips. Cassidy normally stands upright, solid posture with a smooth, flowing gait. She moves like she’s floating, sounding as if she’s tiptoeing even in a full sprint. Cassidy’s voice matches her gait, as a matter of fact: there’s a faint hint of a Southern drawl to her words, but they’re otherwise sounding as if she’d practiced her off-the-cuff remarks in the mirror for hours before saying them. She has the voice of a storyteller or orator-she talks and you just kinda naturally listen, because her voice is easy on the ears. Cassidy’s eyes. Hoo boy. I’m sure your first thought, upon seeing “one blue, one green” was that she’s a Mary Sue. Well, that’s not quite true. She’s like the mother of all Mary Sues. No, but really, Cassidy’s eyes seem to change in color in-between blinks at times, or in-between appearances. This phenomena’s subtle, and given that Cassidy likes to wear glasses, masks, etc, rather frequently, this effect often goes unnoticed. Especially as it’s never an outright change, from neon green to sky blue. Rather, she skips around between the shades in-between. Cassidy’s wasn’t blessed with the hourglass figure that beauty magazines stress as the ideal form. There’s a slight curve from her modest chest to her skinny waist, but, well, to put it crudely, Sir Mix-A-Lot’s anaconda wouldn’t want none. Her face is almost diamond shape, with a rounded chin and a mess of hair concealing this trait a bit. Her hair is something that Cassidy loves to play with and mix up: frequently, she goes for the “hair draped over one eye” look, styling her bangs down and at an angle to cover one eye or the other. Her hair’s fairly short, but long enough to pull off stunts such as this. I don’t know enough about women’s hairstyles to go into much more depth here. Attire: S-to-the-tylish. Ya dig? Cassidy enjoys suits. These are normally purple or blue, with a collar tie that’s typically a little askew or a teensy bit too loose, tucked underneath the vest. Yeah I’m fucking up all these terms I don’t wear suits that often. Completing the ensemble is typically an inverness coat and a top hat. While her style may be a century and a half late, you can’t say it’s not there. Her clothing is eerily clean. Occasionally, depending on the look she’s going for, she’ll carry her sheath on her belt, but it’s usually empty. On her left cheek is a small, diagonal dueling scar. The angle at which it’s positioned gives her an appearance of having an almost perpetual upturned grin, like she’s constantly (playfully) smirking at some joke she’s listening to. Personality Outward & Innate Personality: Cassidy Lynn is the one who, as a child, took those stories about the fox outwitting the lion a little too seriously. She’s a trickster, a schemer, a devious planner and, above all else, someone with a great sense of humor. Cassidy lives for the thrills of life, the adrenaline rushes and needless risks. She’s very clever-the sort of clever that could never find the time to do homework but always found time to think of silly questions. Cassidy loves a good challenge, a bet, or a mystery of any sort: problem solving, gambling, and adventuring all hold equal thrill to her. Cassidy’s the sort who’d want to fuck in the middle of a park with no concealment, at midnight, just for the risk of it. She’s got a bit of an impulsive streak, and while her from-the-seat-of-her-pants planning style often compensates for it, she can often find herself screwing herself over with dumb decisions or rash choices. Cassidy’s also one who’s hard to rattle. She has a very Zen philosophy on life, and merely seeks to have fun. It’s tough to get her riled up or concerned over too much-she has too much fun. For Cassidy, there’s a joke to be found anywhere, a riddle to be sifted through in even the bleakest tragedies. This can often alienate some, as she’s the sort to be giggling at a funeral or something similar. She’s kind, but not goes-out-of-her-way kind. Cassidy doesn’t get caught up very often in humanitarian causes and whatnot, but she’ll gladly do a performance-if it happens to help someone out, all the better, but she’s not out to save the world. Cassidy has a remarkable sense of humor and finds pranks or insults directed towards her more amusing than anything. She’s a big fan of pranks and general mischievousness and will likely, if left to her own devices, find some way to mildly annoy someone. This playful nature has kept her from really getting mired down in Mendel with any one faction: she’s a nomad, a wanderer. Once a town starts to bore her, she meanders on to the next town, performing and such for money. She’ll probably stay in Mendel for most of the RP, but she’d rather not get involved too much with anyone side-she’ll definitely want to sit back and watch the fireworks, annoying both sides equally, turning a profit, and laughing all the while. Cassidy Lynn thrives off the aura of mystery that surrounds her-both as an individual and as a small-scale celebrity. She enjoys being thought of as an enigma, keeping her motives, capabilities, and personal life private. A skilled liar, Cassidy will often fabricate different backstories for herself, different names, wildly inaccurate reasons for whatever she’s doing. Cassidy’s in it for the sheer fun of it. Hobbies/Interests: She loves solving puzzles, reading, movies, books, and work involving her hands or anything in front of a crowd. Skills/Talents: An excellent improviser, Cassidy’ extraordinarily quick on her feet and quick-witted. She’s an excellent liar, has a wonderful poker face, and has plenty of experience staying cool under pressure from years of performing. Cassidy’s also good at feeling out a crowd-or individuals-and adjusting her act as necessary to get the best results. Her power lends itself towards anything dexterity-based, and she’s also very good at detecting scams and lies, given her own experience with them. Cassidy’s also a superb fencer, and coupled with her reflexes, one of her combat-ready gifts is being able to lunge and parry her skinny little ass off. Prized Possession: Probably her entire ensemble? Cassidy’s a roamer, and doesn’t have a whole lot to her name. She does greatly prize her colichemarde, which is exquisitely made. Written on the blade, in lettering going down the sword (rather easily read if it was stabbed through you) reads “The Last Trick” Quote(s): A twinkle in her blue/green eye, a tip of the hat, and a subtle prankster’s grin suffice better than any quote I could put here. Relationships Family: None. Lovers: A lady never kisses and tells. Marital Status: Single? Taken? She’d rather keep it mysterious, just like most of her life. Abilities Power Class: Spatial Power: Cassidy Lynn is capable of warping reality. Now, this power is obviously very, very powerful, so I’m going to go ahead and assuage your fears and what its limitations are. First and foremost, think of reality as having inertia. Time and space have momentum. The chair you are sitting in will stay a chair until something with sufficient force comes along and fucks it up sufficiently to make it not a chair. That’s physics, bitches. Subsequently, Cassidy has to exert a tremendous amount of energy to cause even minor changes in how something works. And, something something uncertainty principle something something Schrodinger’s cat something something, she’s able to achieve this more easily if there’s no direct observation. Sleight of hand. Misdirection. Confusion. This is how Cassidy operates. Where she is weak, she feigns strength. No one’s quite sure of what she can do-if she’s a metahuman or merely a very skilled human magician. In other words, Cassidy Lynn won’t be doing anything very drastic. Doing so would nearly cripple her. Reality also wants to return to normal: so if she changes something, it’s likely to change back to normal when she stops focusing on it. Distracting Cassidy or incapacitating her is a good way to fuck up her trickery. She does, however, have several practiced, got-‘em-down-cold forms of space-time warping that she can do easily and effectively. They are as follows. Teleportation. Cassidy’s not Nightcrawler. She’s not poofing off half a mile away, or even doing chains of teleportation to make her impossible to hit. Rather, Cassidy employs a very direct, very short form of teleportation. Again, this is made easier if she’s not being directly observed. She only bends things a bit-she darts around a corner, and when you turn to follow, she’s halfway down the hall. She closes a door behind her, and when you barge in to follow, she’s back out in the hall. Small nudges. Nothing drastic. Anything beyond ten feet is outside of her capabilities. She can “double jump” of sorts, but it’s a strain. If she’s not being actively observed, this is much easier. Conjuration. From nothing, something. This is primarily done in the form of rabbits from hats and doves from hats. Really, Cassidy doesn’t do too much else with this, although she’ll occasionally conjure up very minor things. Again, this takes significant practice and is quite the strain, even for small objects. Cassidy has rabbits and doves down cold, however. She can’t command them, but she can produce a decent number of the latter quickly. They normally last for a minute or so before fading away unless she actively focuses on it. Conjuration’s tricky, and it’s hard to make the objects last. The exception is if she’s conjuring something and swapping it out so to speak. For example, Cassidy’s playing poker, and she has four 2’s. She can change those to four aces with ease because swapping out playing cards is nothing. Swapping out those playing cards with hammerhead sharks would be very difficult and also ruin Tuesday Poker Night. Sleight of hand. Unless anyone else claims it, I’m marking Cassidy as the top dog in terms of reflexes and grace. Her ability allows her to perceive reality more naturally, and as such she can see cause and effect coming a little more easily. This is nothing so drastic as precognition-but rather, once something has happened, she knows about it more quickly. Much more quickly. Cassidy’s hand-eye coordination and dexterity are superb. She’s quite sneaky. No drawback here-this is Cassidy’s one solid, combat-ready power. Mirror Mirror. Cassidy’s power draws on the existence of other universes, and the malleability of the one she’s currently in. As a result, mirrors, those lovely little reminders of ourselves, offer a unique vantage point for Cassidy. When in front of a mirror, Cassidy is capable of jumping into it, becoming her reflection in the mirror. She can bounce in and out rather quickly, which makes her an absolute bitch to find in a house of mirrors, but most importantly, it seems to let her vanish into thin air…if the mirror is shattered, Cassidy is exorcised. Painfully. She also has to hold her breath and such while in the mirror. Cards. Cassidy’s a beast with playing cards, both in terms of card tricks, card games, and throwing cards. While most people can’t throw cards accurately, and basically no one can use cards as a weapon, Cassidy’s capable of doing so. Her power lets her put a bit of oomph into her throws, and her reflexes let her throw them and place them accurately. She can toss a playing card and have it hit with the force of a medium-speed fastball. Nothing that would kill someone, or even come close, but she can pepper her enemies with painful strikes to buy herself time to get away. Playing cards are easily deflected by strong breezes or anyone who’s not a hemophiliac. Pocket dimensions. Cassidy’s capable of tucking objects away into a hyperspace of sorts, and retrieving them. This process takes energy relative to the size of the object, so trying to disappear an entire car would be next to impossible. But someone’s car keys? Well, that wouldn’t be anything at all.(“ Perhaps check under the cushions, I’m sure they fell down there…”) Strong blows can disorient Cassidy and open up the pockets, resulting in (comically) things seeming to fall out of nowhere around her. Other: Could kick Houdini’s bitch ass to the curb.