[b]Basic Information[/b] Name: Alphonse Nazo Nickname/Alias/Etc: Little Devil Gender: Male Age: 29 Height: 6 feet, though due to poor posture he seems much shorter Weight: 200 lbs Faction: Skull Aspirant Appearance Hair Color: Crimson Eye Color: Baby Blue Ethnicity: Italian-American/French-Canadian Physical Appearance: Al gives the appearance of a man ten years younger than he is, as his features and expression are both soft and childlike. An aura of innocence surrounds him, what with his wide-eyed gaze and dusting of youthful freckles over his nose. He's a fairly large and well-built man, but his size is easily overlooked by his habit of slouching and his withdrawn body posture, giving him the appearance of someone rather small and vulnerable. His long, deep-red hair is usually pulled back in a ponytail, with a lock hanging over his face, and he insists on keeping himself as well-groomed, clean and fresh-smelling as he can possibly afford. Attire: Al's wardrobe mostly consists of thick sweaters, slacks and oxford shoes, giving him an oddly "preppy" appearance, though more say that he looks like his mother dressed him. His outfit is sometimes accentuated by suspenders, jackets or earrings. [b]Personality[/b] Outward & Innate Personality: Al appears to most to be an immature, emotionally underdeveloped person. He acts quite childishly, with frequent mood swings between naive excitement, shallow sadness, or petty anger. He's exceptionally gullible and easy to influence, as he often bends to the whims of others when presented with confrontation. Even so, he is a generally cheerful and positive person, easy to be around and get along with. Despite his apparent childishness, he is not perturbed by criminal activities, though that is not to say he enjoys them. If ordered to kill a man, he would comply without complaint, but would be eager to get the experience over with. Al is surprisingly intelligent and quick-witted, though his naivety and emotional issues often block his better judgment. He also has an odd habit of putting emphasis on strange words when speaking. Hobbies/Interests: Al has a great interest in motor scooters, vintage fashion, perfume and Italian cuisine. Skills/Talents: Al is a surprisingly competent hand-to-hand fighter, trained in judo and boxing, and is surprisingly strong. Well-practiced in criminality, he is versed in the skills of the mafioso, trained in the "Old Country," and he speaks Italian fluently. He's also a very good cook, and has a curiously sensitive sense of smell. Prized Possession: Al has a cell phone that is never out of arm's reach for him, given that it's his primary means of contacting his brother. Quote(s): "Hello! Yes, this is Al! What!? That's crazy, gimme the scoop, Zac!" History/Bio: Al and his brother Zac were identical twins born in a women's prison in Louisiana. Their mother was a convicted prostitute and drug-dealer, and their father was one of the prison guards. After a long and troublesome gestation, the boys were born in the prison infirmary and were promptly sent away to live with their mother's brother in Baton Rouge. Their uncle was a priest, who raised them to the best of his ability, though the two proved to be a troublesome pair, often getting into trouble together, though Zac seemed to be the instigator most of the time. Their mother eventually was released on probation, and came to live with her sons. Having reformed from criminality, they lived a fairly happy life until a sudden and unexplained house fire claimed the lives of their uncle and mother. Al and Zac moved to New Orleans, where Al finished school as Zac supported them with less-than-legal activities. While Al was able to complete his education without much issue, he often got involved with Zac's dealings, and had to cover for him or support him in his endeavors fairly often. Before long, Zac began running with a genuine gang, and Al was attempting to be accepted into culinary school. The otherwise inseparable boys then parted ways, as Zac's gang was brought down by a vigilante metahuman and he was incarcerated, and Al was accepted into a prestigious Italian culinary school. Bidding his brother farewell, he set off to Naples to live his dream as a chef. However, old habits die hard, and due to running with the wrong crowd and a few shady dealings, Al ended up becoming involved in the Mafia. He worked as a low-level Soldato for some years while still attending culinary school. At this time, his metahuman ability awoke, giving him an edge over his fellow criminals. As he was about to rise in the ranks of the the mob, he was given a summons by his brother, back in New Orleans, who had apparently escaped from prison. Returning was tricky for Al, who was now neck-deep in the ties of the Mafia, but Zac quickly silenced those that would trouble his brother for returning home. Al returned to the Big Easy to find his brother a very changed man, the most notable difference being that he also possessed a metahuman ability, and a terrifyingly powerful one at that. Zac had strange ambitions and plans, which apparently required Al's participation. Never one to be able to say no to his brother, Al was quickly swept up in this latest scheme, still mostly unaware of his role in it. He is currently en route to the city of Mendal to meet a contact in the "Skulls" gang, with whom his brother arranged an initiation meeting and appraisal. Family: His only living family is his twin brother, Zaccaria Nazo. [b]Relationships[/b] Relationships: [Zaccaria Nazo] | [Big Bro!] | [BIG BRO!!] | [My big brother is so cool!! Sure, he scares the living crap out of me, but he's never done me wrong. I only got as far as I ever did thanks to him, and I owe him my life.] [b]Abilities[/b] Power Class: Spacial Power: Al can alter the temporal perception of himself, or those in his general vicinity, either speeding it up or slowing it down. He can also differentiate affecting the perception of one's body, one's mind, or both. He also has a rather advanced sense of precognition. He can only see ten seconds into the future, but in that span of time he can also see the various outcomes any action that he could take would result in, giving him various, overlapping futures that he can essentially pick and choose from. Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Al can only "slow" or "speed up" time, only able to apply one effect at a time, rather than juggle multiple effects. His precognition also does not function while he is altering the perceived flow of time. Other: Al and Zac provide an interesting case to the subject of Nature vs. Nurture, as despite sharing a genome, they have shockingly different personalities. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F-XzhAMFAM]Theme[/url] --- [b]Basic Information[/b] Name: Zaccaria Nazo Nickname/Alias/Etc: Crimson Gender: Male Age: 29 Height: 6 feet Weight: 200 lbs Faction: Neutral Appearance Hair Color: Crimson Eye Color: Navy Blue Ethnicity: Italian-American/French-Canadian Physical Appearance: Zac is a large, intimidating man. His features are strong, and he possesses a sharp, disarming gaze. His expression, usually stoic, can only truly be described as "grim." Zac's height and well-defined muscles only serve to add to his frightening presence. An aura of a true killer surrounds this man; he gives off no impressions of being merciful, ambivalent, or even really human. Prison tattoos cover his arms and upper body, mostly depicting the destroyed iconography of gangs that he dismantled while incarcerated. His long hair generally hangs about his head in a loose curtain, and Zac's appearance strikes an odd balance between "meticulously groomed" and "fashionably unkempt." Attire: Zac has a preference for fine suits and jewelry (red naturally being his color of choice), though he also has a curious fixation with mesh shirts and leather trousers. He frequently wears makeup, usually consisting of black lipstick, mascara and black nail polish. [b]Personality[/b] Outward & Innate Personality: Zac is a true sociopath. He barely sees human beings as living things, much less as people. To him, "people," are either tools to be used toward his own ends or obstacles to be overcome. He has a chillingly cold and calculating intelligence, unclouded by emotions such as empathy and pity. Outwardly blunt and harsh, few people actually come to meet him, as he has a strange obsession with obscuring his own identity. Hobbies/Interests: Other than his interests in criminal enterprises and keeping his identity a secret, he has unsurprisingly disturbing interests in instruments of torture, the history of genocide, and the application of psychological warfare. Skills/Talents: Zac is a superb criminal, specializing in the arts of assassination. An excellent shot with a pistol, a skilled knife-fighter, and is able to use his surprising strength to his advantage when killing a man with his bare hands. He is also an exceptional tactician, with a mind for numbers, strategy and manipulation. Prized Possession: None, such frivolities are for lesser men. Quote(s): "I'll make one thing perfectly clear: if you cross me, you're already dead." History/Bio: Zac and his brother Al were identical twins born in a women's prison in Louisiana. Their mother was a convicted prostitute and drug-dealer, and their father was one of the prison guards. After a long and troublesome gestation, the boys were born in the prison infirmary and were promptly sent away to live with their mother's brother in Baton Rouge. Their uncle was a priest, who raised them to the best of his ability, though the two proved to be a troublesome pair, often getting into trouble together, though Zac seemed to be the instigator most of the time. Their mother eventually was released on probation, and came to live with her sons. Having reformed from criminality, they lived a fairly happy life until Zac discovered his uncle raping their bound mother in their basement. The young boy retrieved a knife from the kitchen, stabbed him to death, and then set the house ablaze, killing their mother that was trapped inside. Al and Zac moved to New Orleans, where Al finished school as Zac supported them with less-than-legal activities. While Al was able to complete his education without much issue, he often got involved with Zac's dealings, and had to cover for him or support him in his endeavors fairly often. Before long, Zac began running with a cult-like criminal group known as "Passion," which focused on elevating "true humans" above all others. The otherwise inseparable boys then parted ways, as Passion was brought down by a vigilante metahuman and he was incarcerated, the higher-ups of the group pinning their more grisly crimes on the young man. Zac was sentenced to live out a jail sentence thrice as long as he had been alive up to that point, and Al was whisked away to learn how to cook in Italy. Only two years into his incarceration, Zac's metahuman abilities awakened, and his role within the prison shifted overnight. He became feared throughout the institution for his seemingly uncounterable power, even guards paying him tribute. The next few years were spent planning, as Zac plotted his re-emergence into society, and what he could accomplish with his newfound power. He escaped practically on a whim, and then set about enacting his plans. His first step was to erase himself from "the system," at large, killing almost everyone that had ever known his name, destroying any possible records, hunting down and killing his father, and even burning down the prison in which he and Al were born. His next step was to extract grisly vengeance on the surviving members of Passion, even those that had taken the fall for their superiors' crimes. The next step of his plan required his brother. Al was summoned back to Louisiana, Zac ensuring to assassinate any mafiosos that sought to retain him by force, and was given his role in Zac's strange, ongoing plot. Zac called up a contact he made in prison,a member of the "Skulls" gang in Mendel, setting up a meeting for his brother to be accepted into the notorious metahuman gang. Family: His only living family is his twin brother, Alphonse Nazo. [b]Relationships[/b] Relationships: [Zaccaria Nazo] | [Useful] | [Little Brother] | [He has his uses. Honestly, he's the gravest threat to my identity, but I can't get rid of him. To do so would be... costly.] [b]Abilities[/b] Power Class: Spacial Power: Zac can alter the temporal perception of himself, or those in his general vicinity, either speeding it up or slowing it down. He can also differentiate affecting the perception of one's body, one's mind, or both. He also has a rather advanced sense of precognition. He can only see ten seconds into the future, but in that span of time he can also see the various outcomes any action that he could take would result in, giving him various, overlapping futures that he can essentially pick and choose from. Zac's most dangerous ability, however, is to "erase time." For a period of up to ten seconds, Zac can remove himself from causality and induce a localized state wherein only he can perceive events and act within them. Anyone caught in his ability behaves as they normally would during that time, but upon time "resuming," they lack all memories of what transpired during the events of the "time erasure." To anyone caught in Zac's ability, time seems to have "skipped forward," leaving a gap in their perception of time. Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Al can only "slow" or "speed up" time, only able to apply one effect at a time, rather than juggle multiple effects. His precognition also does not function while he is altering the perceived flow of time, including during his "time erasure." Other: Al and Zac provide an in[b]t[/b]e[b]r[/b]esting c[b]a[/b]se to the subject of [b]N[/b]ature v[b]s[/b]. Nurture, as des[b]p[/b]ite sharing a gen[b]o[/b]me, they have [b]s[/b]h[b]o[/b]ckingly different perso[b]n[/b]alities. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qxa91EwFco]Theme[/url]