Hooves of her steed trotting against the stone of the road below, Marianne sat tall with a bright smile as she made her way towards Castle Pantos' front gate. As she neared, she pulled on the leather reins in her hands. Her horse slowing to an eventual stop. With grace she swung a leg over and dismounted, her heels clacking as she landed. Gently patting its body, she took the reins and led it to the nearby stable. Securing her equine companion, she caressed its head and mane. Whispering kind words softly under her breath of her return. Waving goodbye, she then walked towards the guards at the front entrance with her summons in hand. As she approached the front gate with her summons in hand, the guards immediately recognized her and straightened up in a salute. With a warm smile, she stepped in front of them and produced the letter sent to her from the King, the rune that was to be her authorization clearly visible. The guardsmen quickly looking over the letter and nodding as they confirmed its authenticity, they opened the front gates and let her pass without a word. Granted, they would've liked to have shared a few kind greetings. But, they knew better than to engage a Delacroix in conversation. Instead, they retained their professionalism and offered a simple respectful bow of the head as she rolled up the summons and entered. Having visited the King a few times before in the past, Marianne was already familiar with the layout of the castle and knew exactly where to go. Briskly walking towards the council meeting room, her heels clicked as she walked. Her long, black hair trailing behind her as she moved with a purpose. As she made her path towards the meeting room, she offered a kind smile and wave of the hand to all she passed. She was dressed in her usual garb, sans her equipment. It would've rude to see the King armed and clad in full armor. Locating the meeting room, she politely knocked a few times before pushing the door open a bit too enthusiastically and theatrically. Upon laying eyes on the King and Queen, her expression lit up. Her bright radiance practically lighting the entire room. Stepping into the room, she first gave a polite curtsy. After curtsying, she smiled and with a cheery voice greeted them all in her native tongue first. [B]"Bonjour, tout le monde! Comment-allez vous?"[/B] Her musical voice echoed throughout the room. [B]"Allo, everyone! 'Ow are all of you? I trust you are all in good 'ealth? Marianne Delacroix is reporting as ordered!"[/B] Her throaty accent affecting her enunciation of certain letters and words. Placing a hand on her chest, she turned to look at all of the current occupants of the meeting room. Giving each person a bright smile and polite nod of the head before walking up to the table at the room's center and taking her seat. Her choice of seat being directly across from the King's line of sight. Seated, addressed the more notable political authority figures in the room, not concerned with the other mages just yet. Facing the Lord General.. [B]"Lord Gen-er-al Feyne."[/B] Facing Lady Ophelia.. [B]"Lady Ophelia."[/B] The Queen, herself. [B]"Queen Aria."[/B] Finally, the King. [B]"King Ainos."[/B]" Giving an additional polite and respectful nod to the each of them as she spoke their title and names. Looking at the large, marked map on the table, she was curious as to the purpose for this summons. The King had apparently invited other powerful mages, creating an odd cast of characters in the room. Not wishing to be rude however, she stayed her tongue and neatly folded her hands in her lap. Patiently waiting for some explanation as to why they were all here and called upon by the King, no less.