[b]Ryan Hallow[/b] It was like a dim light had a brief pump in his cold heart when she thanked him for his compliment, he rarely noticed people to even compliment them. He wasn't rude, but he just opted to avoid people. When she smiled, Ryan gasped then smiled back. His book probably already fell beneath the bench or way down under the stand, for a brief moment he didn't really care about Newt Scamander, or fantastic beasts, or reading. Just the sight of Elizabeth. It was brief though, for as soon as he wanted to utter another round of words she saluted him and soared away to her teammates. Ryan clenched backwards a bit, as he was going to bow down and grab his book, she stopped and hovered, waving both hands and smiling. He smiled back with a wider grin. "Bloody hell.." Ryan grabbed his book from underneath the bench, then took his broom and kicked it, he flew out of the stand and out into the field. He hadn't got enough of the girl yet, he was curious, he was different, for the first time- he was warm, He gently soared towards Elizabeth and her teammates, his book tugged in his robe. When he was close he slowly hovered then greeted the lot. He smiled at Tessa, then waited until the girls were done talking. He awkwardly waited for a window to speak to Elizabeth. When it was present, the chance, he opened his mouth and spontaneously said, "I'm..I'm Ryan. Rayn Roderick Hallow. I hope I'm not interrupting your game-" he gasped a chuckle, "what am I saying? I already did." He chuckled, then proceeded, "I'm going to Hagrid's class that's about to start in a few minutes. I was wondering if you want to come along, you and I could- I mean we all could go together." Then he paused, he never spoke this way since his early days at Hogwarts. Still hovering.