Ku'Shin | Ylisse... Somewhere in Ylisse "Hmmmm... I'm definitely in Ylisse now, if the greenery wasn't a dead give-away... But where? I think I've been going south all this time, but maybe it was actually east? Maybe I should've listened to the old man from before...", he was at... Well, he wasn't even on a road. His friends were incredibly worried about him going off as a 'wanderer', but they figured he'd be okay in any case... Nothing except Grima himself could kill him or so they believed, they believed incredibly close. Below his feet were the lush green fields of Ylisse, spots of trees here and there, but he was convinced he was in a semi-plains area. He continued his mindless trek and went over a hill, maybe to see if there were any landmarks nearby and sure enough he saw a village in the distance. "Oh a village. They may have something to eat maybe. I'm kind of sick of eating rabbit and boar all day", he commented, as he began his leisurely stroll towards the village. "Actually... I wonder if they got anyone worth fighting here...? Bandits have been nothing but a bore, so slow... Criminals to boot", and thus he had no problems slaying them, then again, he's been in this kind of business for a long time, killing or fighting for money that is, but right now that was not the case.