[B]Astrid and Terra [/b] Astrid for a few minutes was quite as the train started moving. The twins had been on the tube, but never a train like this. It was exciting. She watched as the scenery outside the window changed quickly. "Admit it, it's cool." Astrid bumped her sister lightly. Terra already had an irritated look on face because the bumpy nature of the train made it impossible to sketch. She closed the books and looked out the window. "I never said it wouldn't be." She gave her sister a smile. The pair of them looked at each other for a moment and then Terra spoke again. The language she spoke in wasn't English and her voice carried no emotion. Astrid seemed to understand though and simply gave her twin a one word reply. Terra ignored her abandoned books and looked at the two boys sitting across from them. "A new adventure awaits us." She said her voice full of the excitement Astrid was exuding.