It was a quiet day. Students were flooding inside the halls of Browning High School, their elegant uniforms swaying in the wind. Classes would be starting in less than a hour. Until then, the hallways would be filled with wandering students, chatting with their friends sbout this and that. Brianna wasn't one of them. With earphones plugged in her ears blasting heavy metal music, she walked through the crowds that parted like the red sea for the student council president and daughter of one of the most important benefactor of the school. She ignored the students' greetings of good mornings, their words muted to her by the loud music. It was rude behavior, she knew, but she had more pressing matters in her mind. The foreign exchange student was on the top of that list. He was some kid from Europe, if she remembered correctly. Frankly, Brianna was worried if he would adjust well to an American high school and if he would be able to keep up with the heavy requirements of Browning. If he wasn't able to... Well, Brianna would never let some foreign student bring down the reputation of their school' She'd worked too hard to maintain it, and to have it ruined by some floozy during her time. She would never be able to live down the shame. She paused her musings and took out her earphones as she neared the student council room. She didn't expect anyone to be there yet as it was still early, so she was pleasantly surprised when she saw that [url=]Hansel Cross[/url], the vice president, and [url=]Alice Sakai[/url], the secretary, were already there. Alice was going through some paperwork, while Hansel, the more laid back one, was just lounging around. They both greeted the president, who quickly walked over to her table and sat at her chair. The student council room was made to look like a huge congregation of tables, with Brianna's large mahogany table at the head. "Is the exchange student here yet?" Brianna asked. It was Hansel who answered her, saying that he would probably be arriving soon. Brianna sighed, awaiting the new student's arrival.