Lady Ophelia's eyes did not leave the Necromancer, though a small humorless grin graced her lips as she addressed him once more, ignoring the others who had entered for a moment. "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to insist that they wait outside. Their presence in this room will only cause disturbance among our other guests, and I'm sure that if you needed them the door would prove little resistance. Besides, you have my word that while you are here in the castle, no one working under the banner of King Ainos and Queen Aria will harm you." With that, she turned her attention to the others who had entered and she introduced them to the King and Queen, gesturing towards each of them in turn. "This is Mia Lane, a gifted water mage, Elzbeth Moran, a talented fire mage who has been seen working with Poi, Lux Pyreash, a Seeress of no small skill, Silas Greer, an air mage with a fearsome reputation(She frowned slightly as she introduced him, but continued),Rai, a strange druid who lives in the forests, Khor, a reported summoner who seems to have been born without the use of his eyes, and finally Marianne Delacroix, with whom we are all familiar." The King and Queen nodded pleasantly as each of them were introduced, the Queen pausing worriedly when Silas was introduced, off put by his grisly helmet. Lord General Feyne looked stoically at them, showing little interest until Marianne was introduced, when he allowed himself a small smile. Marianne was one of the few magic users he both knew and respected. The King and Queen also smiled at her and the Queen said pleasantly, "It's an honor to have you with us again, Lady Delacroix." She had been to the castle only a few times, but she had demonstrated an attitude of chivalry and pleasant kindness that was rare, even among their own guards. She had made quite an impression on them all.