She had learned easily to recognize voices, even ones people attempted to "mask". It was still very clear who the voice belonged to, though, and it didn't scare her one bit. How could it? It belonged to the same young speedster she'd wound up on missions with so many times before. This time, though... he wasn't really supposed to be here. "I could ask you the same question, mysterious voice." Turning her head only a little to look at him, she put a smile on her face and continued to look through her computer... Three hot spots getting closer to them... Apparently, either their enemies were mobile... or someone else. "I'm here on a solo mission for the Bats. Gotta free the hostage if there is one and make sure nobody gets away with any important paperwork. Bats didn't tell me I'd be having company though, threw me off a bit. What are you doing here? Going for a jog in full costume? Trying to impress a girl? Sleep running? Fridge empty? Or you just missed me?"