Is there any instances of war or skirmishes leading up to the King's festival? I would like to give Amelia some actual military experience if possible. [hider=My Spoiler] Name: Amelia Lockwood Age: 25 Gender: Female Faction/Allegiance: Othean military Relic Description: A ring where the band is inscribed in an language long forgotten. It cannot be taken off. The bridge of the ring appears to be able to fit a gem. This ring allows Amelia to evoke the elemental powers of fire. To do this, the ring convokes the powers of the spirits nearby. For fire to grow, it must consume. In a place such as a tundra, the ring will likely fizzle out smoke at best. So long as she can see the object, the flames can appear at any distance. However, the further away her target the weaker the flames will be. Amelia believes that the missing gem may increase the power of the ring and she has her suspicions that the better her mentality the stronger the flames. Without the elements associated with fire, Amelia is fairly certain the ring is mostly powerless. Mostly. She found her ring when she cut opened the stomach of a large sea bass. Appearance: [img=] Flaws: 1. Raised from nobility, Amelia can be stubborn to an unreasonable degree, especially if things do not go her away. 2. She is eager to prove her worth which can be taken advantage of. She can be overambitious. 3. She has a phobia of cats. Skills: Horsemanship- She was trained until she could handle a horse on her own. Affectionately calls her mount "White Hare". Swordsmanship- Trained with the longsword Cooking- Making new recipes is always fun to do! That and it is important to learn how to cook when you no longer rely on servants to do that job. The joys of independence. Nobility's Education- Growing up in a noble's household, she was taught to read as having an illiterate daughter would bring shame to the family. She hasn't paid too much attention during music and dance classes though. Leadership: Despite the sexism in the military, she has become a capable leader to the grumble of naysayers. Biography: Born in Othea at the heart of the capital, Amelia was born as the third of four siblings and the only girl. She grew up in an affluent society but yearned for something beyond the gilded walls and furniture. Problems with her father, the expected behavior of a young lady and subsequent stepmother resulted in her disownment from the Beauchene family name. Around this time she found her relic. A member of the the Royal Relic Constabulary found her and requested her to join them. An adventurous soul and perhaps some would say a little too bold, Amelia enlisted in the military instead. In a way, she fulfilled the request. Needless to say, it was quite an experience. There were few other women in sight and she was belittled at almost every turn. Things went sour when they uncovered her true identity a few years in training; the notion that a noblewoman serving the military, much less wanted to be a ranked officer was preposterous and unheard of! This only spurred her on and she gave it her all. What better reward is there than to break the status quo? Upon her graduation from the academy, she was given the lowest commissioned rank of Lieutenant and tasked to lead a platoon. Her platoon consists of a mix of light and heavy cavalry, soldiers meant to act as shock troopers in direct combat in times of war. At peacetime, they patrol the outskirts of the city in small squadrons with other units. That said, the men under her command have expressed a mixture of emotions at their officer; amazement, joy, belittlement, disbelief, anger, and grudging respect. She is somewhat worried about how close the king is to the Church of Idris and hopes things doesn't turn for the worse. She is part of the Red Lion Company, Third Platoon. Personality/motivation: Amelia has always had a flair for adventure and she was fiercely independent even as a child. Growing up, she would always wanted to join her brothers on an adventure (mostly running around the estate with their imagination running wild). Feeling confined and bored of the "noblewoman customs", she often rebelled against her father's wishes to become a proper lady. Leaving her identity as Amelia Beauchene, she became Amelia Lockwood, an up and coming officer of the army with no connections to her former life (though word of mouth of her former identity gets around fast) in the hopes of finding her true calling. She isn't one to immediately distrust people. All people, even the bad ones can do some good in their life. Relations: Amelia has conflicting feelings with her family. Her father had other plans for her that she did not wanted, namely marrying her first cousin. Amelia had other plans and after much begging, she had her first taste of swordsmanship at the age of twelve. Her mother died of natural causes when she was 17 much to her grief. Two years later her father married another noblewoman. She has a sour relationship with her new stepmom as she believes she is the reason for her being disowned and she finds her unbearably snobbish. For the reasons above, Amelia has grown distant with her father though she does not mind her newfound freedom. She has no problems with her two older brothers. One is a banker and the other is a civil servant former military man. She has one younger brother who has pursued a rather hedonistic lifestyle to her chagrin. She's made little contact with her step siblings. Final Point - Spat at her step mother's face after she made incendiary remarks about her mom and her in a private conversation. Promptly left the room afterward. [/hider]