Now that I'm a little more settled --been a random kind-of day -- let me see here. My dear wife gave birth to our daughter at precisely 11am, Tuesday the 21st, 2014. Since then I've been much less concerned with school, work, or hobbies, and more-so I'm properly swaddling techniques. I apologize for the wait, but now that things are returning to stability, we can push on. I messaged Lunaire in an attempt to steer her first post in a particular direction(with no emphasis on detail. I am maintaining the creative ability of this group). Since then she has not posted, nor replied to me, privately. We can assume she is lost. I had a hunch that she would fall victim to the sick sense of humor the universe has toward me, should I think I could use her as a plot device. How ironic. Fortunately, she hasn't posted, so we can go as if her character does not exist(which is disappointing. I had plans. Such plans, for her). ERode, if it wouldn't be too much trouble. I am interested in keeping this count even, that way we can maintain an equality in interaction. It is not required, however. I am going to give Estylwen the option of posting again, or if she'd like, I could go ahead and initiate the plot. [b][i]Estylwen, you may bring your charm back into play. I may tweak the details of its origin, however. I'll let you know[/i][/b]