“Shit.” Sipley cursed, watching the sword bounce off the giant like it was nothing. She cursed again as Aldred was picked up and held in the knuckles of the giant oaf. Snarling, Sipley took a deep breath – how stupid, he should’ve taken care of himself. However, this offered a way in. If you can’t cut them from the outside, boil them from the inside. Sutton swung her rucksack off her back and squatted on the floor, searching through the empty vials to find a certain favorite of hers. Finally retracting a larger-than-usual vial filled with lavender liquid from the bottle, she smirked. It was one of her favorite poisons: it didn’t take long to kill, alas it needed to be ingested. Above her, Aldred struggled against the stupid thing’s grip and a clever idea hit Sipley. She extracted her grapple hook from her bag and began to twirl it around and around to gain momentum and then…there was fire. An inferno pulsed around her and Sipley startled, sweat beading across her forehead and the assassin had hard time breathing with the smoke that seeped into her lungs. Her eyesight was getting hazy and black dots danced around her – she couldn’t fucking stop coughing. Afraid of what would happen with the orange eddy swirling about, she picked up speed and let the grapple hook fly. It snagged onto Aldred’s armor and she sincerely hoped he could hold her weight as she began to climb quickly, her eyes seeing clearer and clearer the higher she went. Finally she scrambled onto the giant’s finger and held the vial in her hand, waiting for him to come closer. “Sorry ‘bout that.” Sipley muttered distantly to Aldred. The silver-haired woman tensed, preparing herself to drop it in the giant’s mouth.