Continuing from another thread involving a FATE game, I decided to go with mech oriented or at the very least centered games. Anyway I'm probably going to dump multiple possible settings in hiders. Once a setting is taken Ill go over the particular homerules with FATE, although to be honest it'll be similar save some possible small things. First up is Deus en machina which has been recovered from old guild woo [hider=overview] In a far of place there's an earth like planet which has been hit hard by a cataclysm who's origin is on the verge of being forgotten. Many say it was a great war, and yet the land is not scarred in such a manner. The planet has been retaken by vegetation and outside of certain biomes and clearings by man, is surprisingly verdant. Humans are slowly but surely rebuilding across the world as they try and salvage the ruins for forgotten technology and the truth. However there is something that threatens the establishments and has a mysterious origin, they are the monsters which inhabit the planet. They destroy settlements, make certain areas, and are generally a nuisances save for certain large and or particularly vicious species. Although many methods have been used, none stand so effective as The Hunter and his mech. These mechs which are holdovers from a past age and lost technology which can only be weakly imitated, are owned by loose collective of pilots that act both as hunters and other sorts of jobs that need firepower. They roam all over the world and come together in certain spots marked by special pre-cataclysm outposts that double as garages for repair and maintenance as well as social gatherings. They exist in a strange place of ambivalence due to their inherent usefulness being tempered by the whims of the pilot and abusive potential. Their mechs are a particularly interesting treasure from the lost age, not only are they more complex and outiright superior in most cases to their more common kin. But they hold one strange and impressive ability which furthers their mystery and value. They not only are of a biological origin but they possess the ability to assimilate the parts of the monsters which allows them to change and evolve! No one knows their connection to the monsters but it is obvious such a thing exists and those with the curiosity and means, attempt to find new ones hidden in lost facilities for study. Anyway the game is gonna be monster hunter with mechs and your mech will have this sort of system to level up and gain weapons and abilities and stuff by incorporating monster bits. Everyone will start of the same more or less, and as things progress their mechs will evolve into unique entities. Also the game will be partly structured as there will be freedom in doing various things ranging to exploring, hunting, to developing and furthering the story involving the past. [/hider] --- Chromehearts [hider=general premise]We gundam! All the delicious melodrama, fights, and toyetic death machines you crave since your toonami days. In the year 20xx mankind was gifted by a shower meteorite strikes that peppered certain corners of the earth. These meteors contained both a miraculous material that would prove and some sort of radiation that seeded their areas into rich veins of same material, which proved to be extremely useful and helped advance technology and mankind into a new space age. Entire nations' fortunes changed due to this and soon they looked for making deals for rights and access to this new material were formed, creating a new crisscrossing patchwork of alliances. As mankind advanced more space exploration technology advanced to try and find more of this material happened. And this eventually set up the colonies that evolved from this. Eventually the moon and mars would be colonized and run by joint ventures from earth. However the new found prosperity would not last long, as that cascade of alliances would cause a new world war over their precious minerals. Emerging on one from contemporary modern associations would be the United Commonwealth Association, and the Msholizi Leagues which originated in Africa but expaned to other nations due to intertwined international politicking. There are other factions as well, such as the splintered merc groups, or independent entities. But they won't generally play a big role since the main two are the focus, but could be open to player usage later on. On the player side, players would choose a faction to play in and each faction would have some perks of interest and some unique cosmetics which would translate with their sheet. Further details will be mentioned in a full description, but they won't be anything terribly powerful. [/hider] --- Crystalis Overdrive [hider=blurb] For those who like their magitech fantasy mechs. In the world of Tecmieur there exists throughout the various lands old ruins scattered about from a previous. The various peoples have excavated and among other curiosities they found old armor like creations, which a man could fit in and operate. These objects dubbed, Lorica Animatus or Anima for short, have been converted into the playthings of nobles like knights in tournaments, as well as new machines of war as they became reversed engineered and let people make derivatives. The originals now are either heirloom items passed from one pilot generation to another or just a curiosity or item of research. However all was not to be as it was, as soon enough the predecessors and creators of these items have returned. In advanced magical airships claiming themselves to be rightful owners, and have begun a war against them. They say they come from a far off land and think of the current owners of their property as nothing but foolish children playing with something they don't understand. Can petty squabbling and provincialism be put aside to combat this new threat that regards them with utter contempt and disdain? [/hider]