Mark listened to everything that went on, from the message from the ministry to Amelia's comments, then addressed the boy. "They limit the train to the size it is for a reason, though I'm not sure why. Still, you must be a pretty skilled wizard to attempt it." He then reached into his laptop case and pulled out a bottle of medicine. "Dramamine?" he said, offering the girl who had entered the medication. "It's a type of muggle medicine for motion sickness. Looks like more of an anxiety thing to me though. In either case the best thing you can do is take your mind off of it." He held out his hand to the two of them. "I'm Mark Crane. I'm the new charms professor. I'm not sure if you're in my class or not, but it seems we both got put in Ravenclaw at some point, and I like to get to know all of the students, so hello." He then motioned to the girl beside him that was playing checkers. "This is my niece, or, more accurately, my cousin's daughter, Rose. It's her first year. So I'm riding with her to school. So, what can you tell me about yourselves?"