Kid Flash chuckled a bit quietly hearing her speak. "That's funny. I mean of course I missed you. But I'm here on a solo mission. My mom and dad told me I should handle it cause they were busy with the bat on official League business." He said calmly holding her calmly. "But it's great to have a babe like you at my side. That just means this'll be a lot easier." He said before giving her a small playful kiss on the cheek. "Plus. I might not have been have trying to impress a girl earlier, but I will be now." He added cheerfully as he let go of her and stretched out a bit preparing to head in. He was also thinking up a plan. A good one at that. "We play this right and I can get the hostage out while you go all stealth on the baddies." He suggested. :Or you can get the hostage out while I distract the baddies." He then said calmly. It was a team decision right? At least like this things could get done a bit quicker.