Over the next two weeks Iris will most likely be researching spells, and practicing. Practicing to raise her essence levels, because she was dissatisfied with how little she could do with her magic as it stands. She shall go to libraries, read up on the internet, and figure out new ways to use her magic. One day, as she visits a library, she'll see a little kid with scratches on her face who seems sad. Approaching, Iris asks what happened. The girl says she got in a fight with a kid at school because the kid stole her doll. The girl had the doll back, and was clutching it in her arms, but she was still upset. To cheer her up, Iris shows her a tiny mana barrier. The child is so excited and asks for Iris to teach her how to do that. Iris attempts to teach the child some basic magic, but unfortunately the child is just not skilled in the disciplines of magic. Iris herself had to go to a fancy school to learn how to use magic. The girl almost leaves the library, upset at her inability to use magic, but before she does Iris grabs her hand and puts a hand to the girl's cheek where some of the scratches are. "Smile, don't be upset. I'm sure you'll learn magic one day. It took me years to learn even what I can do today. Magic is a fickle mistress." Iris smiled and the girl perked up, nodding. "I'll keep trying!" she smiled. Iris removed her hand, and the scratches were no longer there. "Good, now go on home. You don't want your parents to worry." The girl nodded and ran off.