[hider=Raiu] [b]Name[/b] Raiu [b]Age[/b] 24 [b]Race[/b] Human [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Appearance[/b] (Will draw later.) 5'11 Weighing in at 175 lbs. Raiu has a slender yet muscular build, covered by his long white, silver, and red trench coat. He wears silver forearm bracers, and a small silver plate over the chest of his jacket, and sturdy, insulated white boots, but otherwise apears not to wear armour. He has long blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. [b]Physicalities[/b] Strength- Raiu isnt the strongest person. His lifting ability is roughly 400 lbs. Speed- Raiu is extremely fast, capable of just barely breaking the sound barrier. Defensive ability- Nothing grand. Raiu can resist small arms fires, but any reasonable ammount of force will potentially cripple or kill him [b]Abilities[/b] -Can shoot lightning from his fingertips. Roughly the strength of a small bolt of lightning -Can call real lightning to strike up ti two points. If he touches one bolt with his weapon he may travel through it to the other bolt. Otherwise this is a simple 1 turn charge 1 turn strike attack -Enhanced reflexes and precision. Allows him to keep up with movement as fast as a bullet -shock pulse- pushes nearby objects away, whilst also giving them electrical charge, that he can keep track of -Can charge an item magnetically by touching it. -Can charge his cell phone without a charger [b]Weapons[/b] 1 shortsword called "Maras Blade" or the blade of light. Its made of gold and geisteel 1 twinblade that can channel lightning [b]Bio[/b] Ambulance crew: "WERE LOOSING HIM!" Female Voice: "Raiu!" Doctor: "His pulse is rising to high! Somebody get the defribilator!" Female Voice: "Open your eyes Raiu!" Moments prior, this young man was running during the worst storm of the year. But, what was he running from? He had just felt a calling and had to go meet it. Doctor: "CLEAR!" Female Voice: "Come Raiu. Do not fear the light. For you did not fear the storm." Crew: "Negative sir, Second charge ready!" Doctor: "Clear!" There was a jolt in his body, and when Raiu opened his eyes, he was laying on his back, above thestormclouds, looking into the sun. "What the..." He said as a beautiful woman, garbed in clouds aproached. Female Voice: "Your awake Raiu. Ive been waiting." [i]What is this? Where am I?[/i] he thought to himself. He rose realizing he was naked. Female Voice: "Raiu, this is heaven. Unfortunately i cannot let you go further." "WHAT?!?!" Raiu Jolted. "CLEAR!" "HOW COULD I BE IN HEAVEN?!?! IM NOT DEAD YET!" Female Voice: "Thats not why you are here Raiu. You are here because your heart is true, and because i need you." "But..." The information was confusing and made no sense. "Thats it boys, im calling it. Time of death, 6:05. Cause, struck by lightning." Female: "I need you Raiu. You are a champion, and i have chosen you amungst mortal men to bear my name across the universe." "What do you mean champion? Im just a paper boy." Female: "You will see Raiu. You shall represent me amungst your world and the next. Now go, before your family gets too worried. I shall explain in due time." "Wait! I have so many questions!" Crew: "Doctor his pulse is back up!" Female: "Goodbye my mortal love. I shall see you in the dinming halls of eternity. When you have conquered the storm within you." Doctor: "HURRY! Get me an IV!" "Huh? What? Wh-- woah... WOAH! AAAAAAAGGGGHHH!" There was a blindig flash of light and the feelin of falling through the clouds. Then, everything went black. When Raiu opened his eyes, he was at the 4th ad Pine hospital, with a full crew hoverin over him in astonishment. "Whats going on? Who are you? Where am I?" He said. "RAIU!" Suddenly his sister flung her arms over him and cried tears of joy onto his shoulder. "You had me so worried! Rai--- what happened to your eyes?" Raiu looked into a mirror and saw his light blue eyes were now a light grey, with blue streaks flickering through them. He aprached the mirror for a second look, and in his reflection, saw white robes and 2 bladed weapons on the far wall. A moment of realization hit him, and he wherled around to face everyone. The burn mark from the lightning bolt was still fresh on his chest. He walked across the room, kissed his sister on the forehead, grabbed the clothes an weapons and left."im a champion" he told his sister before leaving. Then, he left the hospital, into the storm. [b]Misc[/b] Champion of Mara, the godess of the sky and weather. [/hider]