FINALLY DONE. ______________________ Name: Anon Age: 18 Appearance: [img=] Personality: Anon is a very self serving, independent individual who can perfectly take care of herself. She is not the girl who stands behind others, nor is she the one to wait for others to act before doing so herself. She is canny, practical, and courageous – determined to easily maneuver through crowds to reach towards her goal. Other than her seemingly positive traits, Anon is cold, serious, and an extremely vengeful Uisilon. Others will be subjected to her stone exterior as well, for she is not selective of those who must deal with her personality - Uisilon or Mundane. Her strong but silent nature makes it hard for others to feel anything similar to sympathy, not to mention it’s very difficult to make friends. The only person she truly trusts is the one who saved her - Lucas. He sees her for who she really is, her true self shows when around him. It is quite easy to get her mad, her bright red hair almost reflects her hot-tempered personality. Sparks fly off as her eyes burn an electric indigo at her enemies. It is not wise to muck around with her, she could easily shock you into the next world. History: In the past, it was known that her family carried the Golden Uisilon trait. Many of her family members were in the forces which attempted to destroy the evidence of their lives. However, during one of their missions, some of the Uisilons got caught. Anon’s family made up a large part of that group, and they were killed mercilessly by the Mundanes. Her grandmother was one of the 5 Golden Uisilons that existed during that time, and was also part of the group that got caught. She gave up her golden title and sacrificed herself for the sake of their family - and so in a burst of lightning the woman eradicated the opposing forces, along with herself. Anon was told of this power from the day she could speak, how the golden title was passed down through her family, skipping a generation each time. Anon was an single child, and it was a rather lonely life. Not many friends, most of the children made fun of her appearance – her bright red-orange hair was the main target of ridicule. Her mother and father had not joined the others in their family to destroy the traces of their race in order to live a more peaceful life on the surface. They took care of her as much as they could, but eventually went to join the others, for the sake of living properly. Anon was only 11 when an officer came to tell her of the news, that her parents suffered a similar fate as her past relatives did. Her great capability was revealed as she matured, for she stumbled upon it while punishing children who made fun of her in the streets of the underground city. She was angry at those who killed her parents, at the children who ridiculed her, and she was scared. Anon had suffered a great deal from that fight, the other kids had gotten her pretty good before they got a piece of her. That was when she met Lucas, the young boy whom saved her life. Years after she was told of a group whose purpose was to go up to the surface and destroy the devilish Mundanes who desolated their great race. There was no hesitation, Anon immediately joined in. Her rank was well known to most in the city, and she would do anything to avenge her family. Rank: Gold Uisilon Power: Electrokenisis Stance on whether or not to retaliate against the Mundanes(Reason Why): “I am not against any sort of retaliation, in fact, I am a great supporter. It’s disgusting, what the Mundanes have done to us. They will pay for what they did to my family.” ___________________ [b]Name:[/b] Lucas [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=] [b]Personality:[/b] Lucas couldn’t be more different from Anon, and their personalities perfectly balance each other out. Though he is not as brave or cunning, Lucas understands the world and it’s mysteries much more than anyone else. His parents were very spiritual, teaching his siblings and him the great wonders of their world and their race. Honest and charismatic, Lucas easily talks his way through any sort of conflict – for it is his preferred way of solving disputes. He is polite and selfless, never wanting to intrude on anyone’s current conversation. He is also very easy to get along with, and is always glad to make new acquaintances – much more cheerful than his friend. However positive his traits appear to be, Lucas tends to think lowly of himself, not realizing his true potential as the 2nd highest Uisilon known. Lucas’s powers easily change his identity to mirror his partner’s serious demeanor – especially during dire times. His family line is known to possess the power to manipulate the shadows, it brings a sort of mystery and intensity to his overall self. [b]History:[/b] Lucas lived in the underground city with his two sisters. His parents were local doctors, and sometimes tagged along during surface missions to destroy the evidence of their race. He learned a lot of things from his family, for they largely influenced his personality as he matured. They taught him and his sisters basic medical tactics, so that when and if neither of them were around they could take care of themselves. At a young age Lucas discovered his love for helping others. He was always the one to break up fights, always helping whoever needed it – whoever he thought deserved it. His parents taught him about the Uisilons, teaching them how they were banished from the surface because they were different and seen as a threat. They spoke of spiritual beings, magical items, all sorts of things to spark their imagination. They believed in divine entities, and such thoughts helped preserve the powers which Lucas contained. He has a rather different power than most Silver Uisilons. The capability to manipulate the darkness, his parents didn’t expect him to have such a somber skill. They were proud, however, that he obtained such a rare form of ability. Lucas had trouble controlling his powers at first, they were rather chaotic. His mother helped him train his powers so he could control them, and what a great teacher she made. Lucas was able to use his powers to help others, and though strange, it worked rather well. Unfortunately, years later, his mother died a sudden death. She was called to the surface to help some Uisilons who were hurt from a abrupt attack. No one survived, no one came back home after that. The walls twisted and seemed to change, shadows moved across the floor as the young Lucas cried. He was truly devastated, and a hatred towards the Mundanes boiled inside him. It was then when he found his counterpart, Anon. She was lying behind a wall, bruised and bloody. At first, the boy was too solemn to help her. But then he remembered, his mother would want him to help, she would want him to continue their work. He brought Anon home and fixed her up, bandaging her wounds. It was then when he realized her golden status, and after, their friendship blossomed. Rank: Silver Uisilon Power: Darkness Manipulation Stance on whether or not to retaliate against the Mundanes(Reason Why): “They killed my mother. She showed me what the world looked like, through her eyes. She made me who I am today, and those, humans, will pay for hurting our race so blindly.”