When Lucio finished his song, he was definitely satisfied with his performance. Some people didn't seem to care, one girl told him to shut up, and the scantily clad elf girl seemed to really enjoy it. He was completely used to all three of them, so the girl who told him to shut up didn't bother him in the slightest. You simply can't please everybody. Ah well, she would be fun to pester later on. The scantily clad girls' response was a little surprising. "Have you never heard music before?" He asked in total shock, one of the few times he actually showed the enough he was feeling. Though he never got his answer, as a freaking boulder broke through the wall of the inn, scattering everyone. In one fluid motion, Lucio diving to the side and stuffed his harp back into his pack. He looked through the hole the boulder had created and saw Aldred facing down several giants. The bard shook dusty out of his silver hair and drew his sword from the sheath at his hip. He knew for a fact that he couldn't hit hard enough to pierce through a giant's skin. But he was nimble, fast, and a great trash talker. He could make for a good distraction. Before he could go outside, he saw the scantily clad elf girl had been pinned underneath a support beam. He moved to help her, but then stopped as she turned into a freaking bear and hoisted the beam off of herself. "You sure know how to pick them Lucio." The bard muttered to himself. His protective nature kicking in, he decided go to for the one closest to the inn. Lucio threw himself at the giant, sticking it in the foot with his sword. The giant roared, more irritated than hurt. When it took a swipe a him, he simply danced out of the way. "I'll keep it distracted, you guys take it out!" He called to those focusing on said giant. Ducking another swipe, he slipped between its legs and thrust his sword straight up, half hoping giants had genders, half not. Either way, it really pissed the giant off. It seemed that the others had already taken one down. At this point in time it was a good thing to have so many people.