"O-Oh? Y-Yeah...yeah that's...that's fine." Ben said, his face turning scarlet, this [i]was[/i] the natural response right? To become flustered? To have his entire face light up as the other requested to scoot next to him. When he did, Ben's face only became hotter; though he tried to not let it show too much. "You shouldn't scratch your rope burn...I had a friend... she for a really bad burn and she scratched it a lot and it got infected and blistered." Ben said quietly, looking at Arvo's hands again as they began to scratch at the rope burn. Then he decided to stay silent for a moment, just letting everything be quiet, the only sound was those heard from the fire, it seemed they got Jane to go over and join them and she was talking about one thing or another that make Luke start awkwardly laughing, then cough, considering laughing with hurt ribs never did anyone much good. Then he looked over at Arvo, again he felt the need to apologize, he felt sad, sad for Arvo, who had lost his sister, because damn, he knew what that was like. He was sure at this point that his sister was dead, he tried to not think about it as much as possible, but when stuff like this happened he could help but do so. "I'll find you some water soon, I swear." He said softly, then he looked over at him. It was freezing out, below zero judging by the snow, and Arvo had been out for an hour or more freezing cold, Ben thought for a second before asking, "want to wear my jacket? It's probably a lot warmer than yours." He offered, giving the other a small smile.