Malia quickly jumped to attention at the sound of a voice, a voice she very quickly recognized. "Hello 'BS'" Malia responded with a small smirk, offering him a fun new nickname. Looking down Malia begun to dust herself off, a bit embarrassed that her tumble was spotted. " Actually, I was about you ask you the same thing. It's a big city, how likely is it that we would just run into each other?" The weirder thing was, it actually happened sometimes because they were both often drawn to the same things. Pushing her hands into her sweatshirt pockets Malia relaxed her body onto one leg. " If you wanted to fight me, all you had to do was ask." She teased. It was then however when her small smile dropped, and her face pressed into a stern stare, now fixed on the figure behind Bloodshot. " Hey there Copper, here to join in our friendly conversation?" She asked simply, though her tone was no longer light hearted. The man, about 30 or so smiled widely. Dressed in skater shoes, a dark blue jump suit, and arms with two Kantata's. His hair was a very bright blond, died of course, one ear holding a loop with his muscular arms held a collage of tattoos. His body was skinny, yet lined with tight muscles and his skin was whiter than Snowwhite herself. His face was then lightly dusted with freckles. Copper might have looked a bit of a buffoon but he was not someone to take lightly. He was the bodygourd/hitman of a very well known, yet very unknown... someone. Honestly Malia had been looking for him for over a year but kept missing him herself. He is responsible for many schemes, murders, and well anything dirty he is somehow apart of it. This guy, Copper is often there to get in the way. He was a skilled man, someone who had nearly killed Malia more than twice. But if he was around, it was possible something dirty was happening around there too. Maybe this was who Bloodshot was actually tracking. The man scoffed with a smirk before reaching back and yanking out his two deadly extensions, the weapons that had actually killed many people. " Just here to play tag" He whispered with his nasty smirk only growing.