[hider=Yoromatsu Kirijo][center]Name: Yoromatsu Kirijo Age: 18 years old Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://im56.gulfup.com/42iaKS.jpg[/img] Personality: Yoromatsu comes off as a very cold and formal individual. However, when you get to know him, he becomes very loyal and protective. He stands to be trained to become CEO of the Kirijo Group, a fate he hopelessly resigns himself to. Yoromatsu is very dutiful, always sticking to his responsibilities and looking after his team. Weapon: Spiked Chain Whip Arcana: [i]"The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. To find the one true path, one must seek guidance amidst uncertainty..."[/i] [b]Justice[/b] Initial Persona: Archangel [b]Resists Slash, Light. Weak to Wind, Dark[/b] [i]Hama, Sukukaja, Cleave[/i] Prime Persona: Power [b]Resists Wind, Blocks Light, Weak to Darkness[/b] [i]Hama, Magaru, Mahama[/i] Corrupted Persona: Magatsu Sraosha [b]Absorbs Electricity, Reflects Light[/b] [i]Mahamaon, Brave Blade, Power Charge, Ziodyne, Hama Boost, Megidolaon, Angelic Grace[/i] Corruption Skill: Pain ??? Ultimate Persona: Inventory: Evoker, Spiked Chain Whip, William Shakespeare's "[i]Hamlet[/i]" (SLI), [/center][/hider]