[quote=Platinum Cobra] Jack nodded, "Sure don't mind at all, and name is Jack." he said back to the guy called Pete introducing himself. He hoped he wasn't going to be the over friendly type though Jack never minded small talk but he never got to know someone for to long especially at an Assassin's academy where they didn't know what was going to happen and if everyone would even make it all the way through. Laying on his bed he starred up at the top of the tent and closed his eyes relaxing. [/quote] Pete nodded at Jack. He might as well be polite. Sure he did not want to be here. "Nice to meet you Jack. " He said softly. The guy did not seem talkative. So Pete just sat down on the bed. "So why are you here? I robbed a rich man using a bow. " Pete said curious as to what got Jack here.