[quote=LeeRoy] [hider=Zambie II](The guy above me is a canon Mega Man character, just saying.)Character name: Well, here's the thing. He really doesn't know, and he can't settle on a name for himself. Call him whatever you like, as long as he's looking at you he'll know you're referring to him.Aliases and/or titles: Nameless Undead Warlord, Undead Overlord, Warlord of Rot, The Grey Nasty.Age: Somewhere upwards of 500, he's been undead for 483 years, but was alive for X-number of years prior. He assumes somewhere around 20-30.Height: 7'7"Weight: 170lbsDescription: A corpse in a suit of armor with a bigass sword, not much else to say. Beyond the fact that a fine grey mists comes from the holes in the helmet every time he breathes. The mist is actually just mist, a lot of water builds up inside of his chest cavity and he can't explain why. It's mad nasty though.Powers:+Undeath: Simple enough, if he is not killed he cannot die. +Unbound Strength: Without the limitations of the mortal form his strength is pretty remarkable, for a corpse. Can lift well over 400 lbs with some effort. Which is good, his sword weighs more than he does at 210lbs.+Above Average Human Speed: As time has gone by he's come up with ways to make his armor clad behind run faster, which is good, because it makes him harder to hit. At top speed he runs at 28mph. Only a little faster than the world record running speed for humans.+Lacking Organs: This may come as a surprise, but without these organs he has a few advantages. Without a stomach, he doesn't need to eat. Without a heart, he can't bleed out. Without hormone glands he doesn't produce exhaustive acids that make him tired..+Mysticisms Aplenty:-Basic Fireballs to Complex Firestorms, these burn at the same temperature but vary in dispersal and force. (210 Degrees Fahrenheit) [Fireballs - Firesurges: Instant Casting, least force. Surges have wide casting areas but are flat and blade like. Does not cut.][Firewalls - Firestorms: Four Turn Casting, most force. Walls are protective and push directly in front of him. Firestorms rain down from above and burn a 10x10 area.]-Basic Soul Blasts to Complex Soul Destroyers, these are more spear shaped and cause phyical and spiritual pain. They explode like sugar glass on contact, does not blow up like conventional explosives.[Soul Blasts: Instant Casting, least force. Blasts launch a foot long needle of grey soul energy towards the opponent. Can penetrate human flesh, breaks on bone.][Soul Destroyer: Five Turn Casting, maximum force. A twelve foot long spear of grey soul energy launches at the target, blasts apart three feet away from target. Turning into a shotgun blast of foot long needles.]-Rumble the Ground: A weak but very effective tool that takes two turns to cast, he jabs the blade into the ground and it glows a bright grey. Then the grey glow blasts into the ground, shaking it like a small earthquake. Disorienting foes and knocking over normal humans who are unprepared for the assault. If you've got your feet firmly planted it's not really a problem.-Enchantments. Now, he can't use these in combat. Period, this is just worth mentioning, as his sword is enchanted. Like a lot.Abilities:+Skilled Swordsman: He's become very skilled at what he does, which is killing. A lot of it. At the forefront of his assault is the blade Grey Putresence, the soul bearing sword he created himself. He's able to swing it with ease, despite its great heft.Equipment:+Grey Putresence: The near unbreakable blade wielded by this nameless overlord. It comprises of two tiers of blade. The first of which is closest to the hilt and is five feet long and nine inches wide. The second of the tiers is three feet long and six inches wide. The hilt itself is two handed and measures out to a foot long. It is a simple sword with a crystal rammed through the bottom of it.+A simple suit of iron armor, this is more to conceal the fact that he is mostly just a corpse that has rotted away to almost nothing but a skeleton. It provides the same protection as any other set of iron armor would.Weaknesses:+If seperated from his sword for too long, he will die. His soul is inside of that thing, so take the soul from the body and you have an issue.+If you get his armor off, you could pluck bones from him like petal from a flower. You could also rip out the remaining organs he has, despite it not being fatal. (Brain is still fatal.)+As a zombie, destroying his brain will still kill him. As a lich however, his consciousness goes into his sword. (By Multiverse rules, he is counted as dead for 7 days.)+Like most undead, light and fire based magicks are his bane. Quite literally, these will decimate him if they strike him.+While clever and decietful, he's a bit slow on the uptake at times. If you get lucky a simple trick will distract him. (Hey! Look over there!)+THE SWORD CAN BE BROKEN! But it's more durable than a titanium cobalt alloy. If you can snap it in half, he will straight up die. (By Multiverse rules, the sword comes back with him when he resurrects.)+Can't see to his left or right, at all. Poor helmet design, and he still hasn't figured that out.+If you're convincing enough, you could con him into doing whatever you want. If you can somehow prove that you know about his past, no easy feat, but you could always try.+Prone to fits of blind frustration, if you mock him. During a period when he's insighted to being mad at you, he doesn't fight using any sort of skill, he just slashes and grabs at you. A drop in skill means a drop in difficulty.+Cannot use multiple spells at once, They are difficult to aim as it is, firing multiple would result in catastrophic destruction of everything except what he's firing at.+There is a recharge time that keeps him from firing the spells rapidly, can only fire one spell per turn. Personality:+With a wit like that of Winston Churchill he'll banter with you all day long and never run out of things to say. He does love a good bantering.+After a few couple hundred years he decided to say 'Fuck it!' with being a mature and brooding monster. Now he giggles like a child if you get kicked in the bits. Especially if he's the one doing the kicking.+In battle he takes it serious, yes, but makes a joke out of it at every chance.+Easily frustrated and mocked, this should really go under the second one. But it's so obvious that it can be counted as a personality trait.History: He died.What? Oh, right, you want the rest. After he died a swamp shaman raised him from the grave, now, he doesn't remember his name. Nor does he remember why he died. So now he's just a living dead man with no purpose beyond making life for everyone else a living hell. Shortly after being raised from the grave he killed the man who resurrected him, again, no real reason behind it. Undeath kinda makes you do things you wouldn't normally do while you're living, it's a side effect of the rot. I think. Anyway, after killing his creator he decided to learn the same arts. "How?" You ask. Well, let me tell you something. Swamp Shamans are a dime a dozen in some parts of the world, and there was an entire coven of those Necromantic Alchemists. So many, in fact, that learning Swamp Magicks was like kindergarten. Couldn't figure it out one way? Learn it another. Decades of training and seven masters later and you get the Nameless Undead Warlord you have today, a powerful mystic with no real purpose beyond conquering all that stands in his path. Oh yeah, that's right, lemme tell you something about swamp magicks. When you learn that you can learn just about anything, oh yeah, in his training he crafted himself a way to stay alive for eternity. Voodoo only lasts so long baby. In his chest was placed a crystal and when withdrawn his soul came with it, he placed that bastard into the hilt of his sword. Effectively making him two times over an undead, technically both a zombie and a lich at this point. Enchantments and incatations, magicks and spellcrafts, he placed so many mystic shields on that sword over the years that he couldn't even tell you how to break it at this point. He's a bit power mad, yes, but who can blame him. Warlord here has been going through an identity crisis for at least five hundred years, maybe more, he doesn't know if he knew who he was before rising from the grave. When the cataclysm struck the multiverse Warlord was delighted at an opportunity to conquer a new and much more interesting world. Oh yeah, you heard that right, he has full intentions of dominating all who stand in his path. [/hider] [/quote] Accepteded.