[quote]Possibly interested. Not a MGS fan, but what your describing reminds me of a lot of military based near-future style sci-fi that I grew up with. Stuff like the first two Deus Ex games, before the reboot.[/quote] Yeah, as I said in the OP: It's inspired the type of setting of MGS, and some elements of the story, but isn't a game in that canon, it'll be it's own thing. And I'll be drawing in elements from a variety of other sources myself, as I read similar books and such as well, so hopefully it'll keep your interest too. [Quote]Also, yes, I thought it was very stupid that your 'tutorial boss' was Metal gear Ray, had a giant sword, and you actually 'throw' the damn thing into the air using that sword to do so... As 'actiony crazy shit' goes, it is entertaining, and I found blade-wolf to be remarkably adorable XD but I really do miss the properly stealthy air of Metal gear solid =3 I'll probably never play number 4 though, since it's exclusive to PS3 and I just have not the cash to spare for it XD[/quote] I haven't played Rising, but the style of gameplay, and the overall styling of the game kind of put me off anyway. More so after I read reviews of it, and a synopsis of the storyline - it just doesn't sound like my kind of game. Too flashy and stylized for me, and too over the top. I'm playing through 4 now, as I recently got a PS3. I wasn't planning to for a while, but my GF and I found one for a good price in a local pawn-type shop, and decided to buy it on the spot, since we could afford it. We picked up some cheap games too. I want to get hold of the Legacy collection, so I can replay the earlier games in HD, and also play Peace Walker and Portable Ops, since I haven't played either and they're apparently canon too, and MGSV carries on the same storyline.