Siobhan rolled over with a muffled groan, her back and neck stiff from sleeping at the bottom of the bed rather than on the pillows. What time even was it? She guessed it was sometime before seven, probably, given that the skies outside were still dark and cloudy (as she expected to be the norm for a castle in Scotland). Though the rest of her roommates were still fast asleep, the youngest MacFusty simply couldn't lie still, buzzing with anticipation at a day of proper [i]wizardry[/i]. That, and she was used to getting up at ungodly hours of the morning to check on the hatchlings. It wasn't so big a deal. Taking in her uniform to the toilets, Siobhan quickly got ready, brushing her teeth and running her fingers through the tangle that was her curly hair. With a moment of hesitation, she threw the Gryffindor tie round her neck haphazardly. For a second, she had considered going without it in rebellion against the Sorting Hat's decision, but she remembered Kyle's declaration of friendship and grinned. She'd be fine... as long as she remembered the way her mother had taught her to tie a tie. Wandering downstairs for breakfast, half-feeling her way in the dull grey of the early morning and hoping that she wouldn't fall down a trapdoor, she found herself in the Great Hall. It was near empty, save for a handful of students from each house -- the most from Hufflepuff. Hard-working indeed. This time she didn't have to think twice at sitting down at her house's table and serving herself a hearty breakfast, especially since all she had done was pick at her food the previous night. She wondered when Kyle would come in. Or Alistair. Or Maggie. Maybe Slytherins were heavy sleepers?