[b]Ryan Hallow[/b] [b]Outside Hagrid's hut[/b] Tessa referenced a classic muggle tale that Ryan's aunt used to recite to him every Saturday night before he tugged into his sheets. It was his favorite story, he was intrigued by the idea of magic and wizards, even from such an early age. He wouldn't mind that he had to listen to it almost four times a month, but eventually he learned to visualize it differently every time it was told. Ryan wanted to reply with something witty about the reference, 'Don't forget your shoes', he wanted to say that to Beth. He opted out and kept listening to the two girls converse instead. Beth would occasionally look back and smile at him, he'd smile just as much in kind. When they were finally there outside the familiar hut, Ryan gasped as he was forced to be between quite a large throng of talkative, active students from various years and houses. He saw a couple students he once talked to, and a few fellow Ravenclaw kids. Eager faces all around.