Thomas took his time in preparing his coffee, he was far too devoted into readying the perfect brew for his morning then to give Scott’s rude name calling any care. Slowly pouring an exact amount of coffee grains into his mug, he then eventually filled it up with steamy water from the kettle and, finally, added an explicit amount of milk before beginning to stir it with a small silver spoon. Coffee had been an important part of Thomas’s morning, afternoon, and night for as long as he could remember. It wasn't the taste he enjoyed however, but more so the feeling of liveliness he always felt rushing through him with each intake. It was an almost zealous impression he had towards it. Adding the final necessary ingredient that he had access to, sugar, he picked up his rucksack and made his way towards the exit of the cafeteria. Taking his first sip from the steaming mug he stood still allowing complete euphoria to overcome him, he then let out a sigh of relief before continuing to wander off towards where the Medusa would be. Passing by the secretary he offered her a bow of his head and a smile, with a friendly as possible, “Have a pleasant day ma’am.” Stepping out into the open to the spot where the Medusa would be, he stopped in his tracks and mid-sip. Staring at the Medusa he wondered what it’s durability would be like. In his past experience he had seen plenty of so-called “Indestructible” ships destroyed, only bringing him to wonder how this one would fare under fire. He shot a quick glance at his by now light brown colored drink before muttering, “My coffee had warned me about this”. He began his trudge through the muddy earth towards where a few of the crew members were still outside the ship. To abstain from getting dirt on anything but his shoes he slung his rucksack over one shoulder and continued his firm yet careful plod across the bleak terrain. As he approached the remaining members he took notice of a newcomer, a woman he hadn't seen earlier at the cafeteria table. Glancing over her appearance he made himself a few mental notes: Possibly wealthy, placid, and a remarkable dress sense that still allowed practicality. Overhearing her question as he approached her and Caelum he decided to chime in with a “Yes, I believe that would be the Medusa, but like any elderly lady I’m sure it’s as adequate on the inside.” After commenting he moved next to Caelum to allow her to clarify any further questions while he took another sip from his coffee.