[quote=Kurisa] Kagiko looked at Nene as she quickly ran into his office, this caused him to rub the back of his head with his right hand and sigh as she clearly did something to try mess with him, as she emerged from the room she began coughing then spoke "Well it seems like you did do something...and well actually I do but that can wait" Kagiko looked at the device Nene pulled out her sleeve, Kagiko then nodded and spoke "I see...well that's great, I'm glad you are inventing things yet a device such as that is prone to faults and so on...and did you think I hadn't done anything like that Nene?" Kagiko reached into his new Haori and then pulled out a book then opened it up and then turned it to Nene and began speaking "You are looking at the data for former Lieutenant of this division Ryuu Shinda, his Zanpakuto allows him to basically control what he kills...he has taken down many Gillian and added them to his Arsenal to use against us. Now...do you think I'd face something like that so recklessly? I came up with something long ago to control gillian, and using the data in my possession came up with something to counter this mans Zanpakuto rendering him useless...since after all, I planned for his other weapons." Kagiko then closed the book and put it into his Haori "But...by all means do not take this in a bad way. I am still very impressed with what you have done and I'd like you to show me how well this device performs...after all it's not always about inventing things in Squad 12, it's often improving things also..." Kagiko then reached into his Haori once more and pulled out a small red pill "This is what I use to control gillian, developed on the same basis as Hollow bait it goes airborne and of course then there is no way to escape it...the Gillian will be under by control in a matter of moments" Kagiko placed the pill back into his Haori then continued to speak "So I don't want to play a game but more for you to show me what this device can do, perhaps you can build upon it to give it another feature that my pill cannot do..." [/quote] "Meh it was just smoke to bother your lungs so you would wake up, I was assuming you were sleeping, yet found out you were up and moving. When she showed him the device he gave her a compliment yet a critique as well, and when he said those last few words her eyes widened a bit, as he pulled out a book and showed her former lieutenants Ryuu's data. She saw where eh was going with this, which made her look at her device and sigh in defeat. her device only allowed her to take control of Gillians, not counter a mans zanpakuto. he tried to make it seem like her device wasn't bad, but he was just being kind about it. he pulled out a red pill and explained that's what he used to control Gillians, it was indeed much smaller than her own device, and hers could only work on one at a time. Yet she wasn't so upset, this did make her realize how faulty her device was, in fact he himself gave her an idea. "Well I wont waste your time with showing the device off, not many features or better ones than countering a man zanpakuto, but that did give me an idea. I guess that the red pill can make Ryuu lose control of the hollows he previously took control of. Yet what if we could somehow make it so that when you spread it among the hollows, and with a simple switch they could explode, with the power of the explosion being greater the more powerful the hollow is? That way he might get injured anytime he chooses to use his zanpakuto's ability."