LaXaynd's app [centre][img=][/centre] Name of Nation: New Aztlan Republic Territories: Texas State, Mexico, Central America, Cuba and Columbia. Government Type: Democracy. Military: The Aztlan Military is, by its own admission, nowhere near the largest nor most advanced. It does pride itself, however, on the professionalism of its troops in the matters of jungle warfare. By far the largest and most important part of her military is the infantry corps, all of whom are trained for two roles: Urban and Jungle combat. Taking lessons dating back all the way back from the pacific, the infantrymen guarding the Southern and Central lands of Aztlan are masters of jungle warfare using traps, tunnel networks and camoflauge to engage in extremely effective guerilla warfare. The Armoured Corps of the Aztlan Military is mainly comprised of units whose technology have been reverse engineered from captured American equipment and vehicles during the Mexican overrunning of the state of Texas. If not using outright stolen American equipment, the Aztlan military will be using derivative technology. Most of the Armoured Corps are stationed in the North, where the wide Deserts make conventional large scale warfare much more likely. The Air Force of the Aztlan Military can be described as Average. Finally, the Aztlan Navy patrols her shores. Consisting of several Missile Cruisers, Destroyers and Submarines, the Navy is stationed in and around the rebuilt Panama Canal. [s]The Aztlan Military also privately contracts the Aztechnology, the Research and Development subdivision of Aztechnical Corporations, to create extremely powerful and potent biological weapons. Aztechnology has successfully developed both an airborne Ebola virus, a vaccine and an intercontinental ballistic missile delivery system for the said biological weapon. [/s] Economy: Aztlan maintains a capitalist economy in which it's major corps, Aztechnical Corporation, exerts a major influence. Foreign Policy: Aztlan is open to democracy, but then again, so is any other nation. Aztlan's main priorities are to prevent the spread of foreign (Read: United States/European/Non Central American) influence in the Caribbean and Central America. History: Formed in the aftermath of the Third World War, the New Aztlan Republic Is a mix of a cultural and political union between the nations of Mexico, Columbia and Cuba. Originally formed as an alliance between Mexico and Cuba in order to strike back at a weakened America during the Third World War, The two nations swarmed down the southern border of the United States, overrunning Texas and finally avenging the loss Mexico was dealt during the nineteenth century, reclaiming their rightful traditional lands, as well as Cuba avenging America's long standing meddling and even outright overthrowing of Democratic governments in Central America and attempted meddling in Cuba by overthrowing each and every single American-installed dictator throughout Central America. Columbia, with their America-backed regime pressured into a counterattack, launched an invasion of Mexico through the central nations in response. Using the mountains of central America as a very effective natural barrier, Mexico was able to whether the attack long enough for Cuban forces to strike at the rear of the Columbian Army by landing their forces by sea. Mexico and Cuba went on the offensive and finally eliminated the former Pro-American Columbian regime. In the aftermath, the three nations formed into one nation to pool their resources and to form a united ground to approach the world theatre in. Foes: Any remnants of the United States. Population: 200 million Other: The Aztlan Republic, in an effort to form a cultural uniformity among her peoples, have reintroduced many aspects of the Aztec/Mesoamerican Cultures, which have influenced holidays, architecture and traditions. The Aztlan Republic has also added a modified version of Nahuatl updated to include names for modern concepts such as "philosophy" and "ballistic missile" as an official language taught at schools.