[b]The Pearl Fleet[/b] "A cultural exchange would be nice, but we feel that we do not know you enough to commit to such a thing yet. We will however invite you to New Condia, it is a nice colony world and it is the closet colony, but it is still a distance away. The coordinates are attached to this message. We would like to request also information about your biology, so we can prepare the necessary accommodations." [b]New Condia[/b] The ship was totally unexpected, as many of New Condia's stations were still damaged after the heavy aftermath of the Ethereal battle. It managed to slip through the atmosphere. Ships scrambled around and arrived in New Condia's atmosphere, preparing in-case some kind of warfleet arrived to pick up the ship. Meanwhile ground crews scrambled as the news of the crashed ship was relayed across New Condia's network, with many citizens fearing the new ship as the Ethereals had many them slightly xeno-phobic. It did not take long for crews to scramble as they surrounded the ship, weapons pointed but not activated towards the ship. A few mages setup a translation spell. When it was activated the crew aboard the crashed ship could feel a presence in their minds, it was not hostile, but seemed to bring about a sense of calm and under-standing. The soldiers awaited for the aliens to leave their ship, a few diplomats stepping forward.