[b]STC Acheron ( BH-23) Conduction Long Range Recon Patrol, running stealth protocols Deep Space, Alari Abyss ( Stalking the pearl fleet) Lt Cmdr. Zilicin[/b] “ Stalk….stalk….stalk, if I was hunting, I would have at least taken a shot by now.” said the weapons officer turning his head towards the officer next to him. “ Would you want to shoot at that?” said the radar officer pointing towards the mass of ships to their front. The radar and the view screen was filled with hundreds, maybe even thousands of ships, all of them outclassing the Acheron. “ No, this would be a one way fight, I doubt wed even dent anything over there” the commander said before getting up and walking to the star map, marking there location. “ How this force surprised us is beyond me? either they have been here sitting dormant for a bit or their radar defeat is insane” Zilicin shrugged “ Either way, they will find us, its just a matter of time”. One of em is going to get close enough to visually spot us or they will see us when we move”. The commander sighed and walked to the fore view screen looking at the shimmering expanse of ship before him, then almost as an after thought turned towards the communications officer “ Hail them and shut off the stealth protocols, we are going to find out what they want”. The entire crew looked shocked for a minute before realizing that he was in fact serious and went about contacting the unknown ships. Sent message-Burst traffic “ Unknown vessels, This is the STC Acheron of the Septonian Concordant. We wish to make peaceful contact” [b]STC Jaques ( BH-44) Crash landed on New Condia Cmdr. Deaxja ( KIA) Lt. Cmdr Sinidas Kalai ( Now in Command)[/b] The smell of burning flesh and the pain in his ribs roused sidings from his stupor, he didn’t remember much of the crash. He was knocked unconscious after the engines exploded and half assumed he was dead when he woke up. As he slowly yet painfully rose to a sitting position, he realized that he was laying on the bridge, in some sort of throw together triage unit. A member of the medical team noticed him sitting up and immediately went over the brief him on the situation, quickly running over to kneel beside him “ Sir, I must be brief but you are in command now, Commander Deaxja is dead and some alien force has the ship surrounded.” she said before her attention was called elsewhere “ Gotta go..” she said quickly before getting up and walking away. Sinidas slowly got to his feet and walked off the bridge, moving towards the now exposed engineering deck. The halls were packed with crewmen with rifles and light armor, moving weapons and ammunition down to the engineering deck. The ship looked relatively fine on the inside but he expected the exterior to be much worse. Sidings wasn’t a Naval officer, he was a Marine special operations officer, but he was the highest ranking officer left. His plan was to defend this ship with his life if need be, there were things on this ship that no one could get their hands on. Throughout training Sinidas was taught to ignore the impulses his mind gave off and focus on the task at hand, but he couldn’t shake the calm feeling he felt. Despite the chaos, he was pretty at ease, should really help if they ended up getting into a firefight. Down in engineering the crew has set up defensible fighting positions with machine guns and even a recoiless rifle. It never ceased to amaze him how much the crew could do in such a short amount of time. They even took the 20mm point defense turrets out of the mounts and placed them on the fighting positions around the perimeter of the ship. To anyone watching it would look like the crew of the Jaques was setting up for a fight.