He looked up to the machine that was baring down on him for a moment. Blinking behind his mask he just smiled. “ I’m Ghost unit 0-8761. Or you could just call me Charles. What about yourself?” He asked in return. He wasn’t one to pass judgment on anyone at least not when it came to his survival. He had seen marines fight in many situations, though most of them died they were still to some extent loyal to one other. So it was best to get on their good side if you want to live through some of the more insane situations. He just looked around her for a moment to make sure that they were still in the clear. “Though I do think it would be best for us to probably move the bodies of these men and women out. We can’t risk attracting special animals from point one you know?” he says and looks to the bodies again, making sure to watch them carefully, if any of them had moved they could possibly try to save them. But not even one flinched. Just like he had assumed they were all dead. Well not this Marine here obviously but still it was annoying to think they had lost all their men so easily. What the hell was up with that. “We can also assume that we wont be getting any help until one of the units comes looking for us. So that may take some time.” He stated calmly as he looked back outside then walked towards it once more. Looking around, and trying to sense the presence of other creatures that may have given off a psionic signature. Though he wasn’t hoping to find it, he did feel a faint one. So faint that he couldn’t tell the distance but it was best he probably didn’t pry to much into it. He didn’t need them to be taken out before they even began their investigation of the area.