Yahtzee went red at Cora's praise and fixed his gaze on the ground. "I'll stand by your decision..." He mumbled softly meeting her eyes for a moment before looking away again. Salamander gave a huff in the same way a human would roll his eyes. It made Yahtzee give a weak chuckle and he looked back up with a smile as Cora continued speaking. Her words made sense to him. Even if they did destroy this small military base or whatever it was there was always going to be more. He scowled briefly when she mentioned they weren't ready to take on what was at Atlanta but he didn't even know what was there let alone whether he could take it and he would take her word for it. With a decision finally reached Yahtzee relaxed and actually laughed. It was exciting to be going somewhere and actually face a battle. The thought of some official training sounded good too. He watched Sig get onto his guardians, the huge tortoise, an offered a ride to anyone who needed it. "Huh. So others also use their guardians for transport. Come on Salamander. Let's get going then." Salamander let out a sleepy yawn and stretched his wings before suddenly snapping them down launching himself into the air and flying high into a loop before soaring down and slamming into Yahtzee's back and latching on. Yahtzee was jerked off of the ground and into the air where he hung in place, kept aloft by the gentle beating of Salamander's wings. "Let's get this show on the road!"