As his classmates dragged him back to his seat Kyle decided he'd have to take a Slytherin approach to this friendship. There'd be no point reasoning with the boys. They probably didn't listen to the hat's song anyway. Kyle was forcibly sat back down into his seat, but from there he had a great view of Siobhan walking right up to her brother. The Slytherin first years watched as she walked up to their head boy and hugged him. He hugged her back. There was hugging. He fixed her tie and then she skipped off telling Kyle 'see you later'. The other four first year Slytherin boys eyes wide watched Kyle's grin grow, "See ya later." At that point Professor Snape swooped in and handed out class schedules. Kyle quickly looked to see what classes he'd have with Gryffindor, the only ones were potions and DADA. Of course it'd be the class where his head of house was Professor. Then he realized that the name wasn't Snape, but with a professor named Slughorn. He didn't recognize the name. Snape was teaching Defense against the dark arts though, so they'd still have a class with together with Snape as the Professor. "Wait so your friend is the sister of the head boy." Sam asked as Kyle dissected his class schedule mentally. Kyle nodded. "She's still Gryffindor." Sam said. "I know, but she was my friend before then. Nothing's changed except where we sleep and when we have classes." Kyle pocketed the schedule and ate happily. Alistair had sanctioned their friendship. Even Maggie would have a hard time arguing with that.