When Siobhan collected her timetable from McGonagall, still grinning wickedly with her back to the Slytherin table so they couldn't see it, her happiness dropped slightly. Only two classes with Kyle -- Potions and DADA -- and the flying lessons that a few of the other first years were talking about. She couldn't help but feel excited over the latter. Due to her small size, she'd often been a seeker when her brothers and sisters had played together, and maybe this was an opportunity to show off her skills. Alistair had been right, too. Transfiguration [i]was[/i] first. Siobhan happily returned to the first year side of the Gryffindor table, taking a seat at the far edge. Two of the other girls sidled away from her with only Yvette, a muggleborn, looking haplessly confused at her housemates reactions. Politics may make it so that she could befriend Kyle's house but it did nothing for her own. Trisha ("Trish" as she insisted on being called) was the first one to complain as they began to trek to the Transfiguration classroom. "I don't know why you're coming with us, Siobhan," she said eventually. "Aren't you a Slytherin?" Siobhan shrugged. "Sorting Hat said to make friends in all of the houses," she defended herself. "Or am I not allowed to talk to my brother at all?" "No! Gryffindors [i]never[/i] talk to Slytherins. It's the rule!" In response, Siobhan merely pushed open the door to the Transfiguration classroom as was marked on the door. They were the first ones in. "It's a stupid rule, then." She much preferred Kyle -- and maybe even the other Slytherins -- to Trish. [i]Merlin, I hope Kyle's not having as bad a time with his house as I am[/i], she thought.