Name: Nathan Kane Nickname/Alias/Etc: N/A Gender: Male Age: 45 Height: 189 centimeters Weight: 80 kgs Faction: Neutral Appearance Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Black Ethnicity: English, and therefore Caucasian, except with a hint of Indian, from his Anglo-Indian heritage Physical Appearance: Nathan Kane is a muscular man, weighing a distinct eighty kilograms, thanks to multiple years of military training, and self exercise, and is also quite tall, weighing around a hundred and eighty five centimeters, translating into just above six feet, in Imperial terms. His body is seemingly at top form for his age, being able to best bodybuilders with many less winters on them, and is quite well built, although not outrageously so, due to a dense muscle structure. It applies to both parts of his body, and he has kept himself to a particular standard for his body, despite the fact that he doesn't actually need it that much, anymore. He tends to give off the vibe of a very self confident personality, due to his particular facial shape, which is a gaunt, and square like face, with a powerful chin. His face is quite flat, with an odd nose, that seems to curl outwards at the end, but starting quite low, and flat. His forehead is also slightly small, but quite wide, making up for the loss of length in his forehead with width. All this is topped off with short black, turning grey, hair, which is incredibly stiff and coarse, but cut to a perfect three fourths of a centimeter, just to maintain his former Army look. This hair is [i]usually[/i] left standing straight up, but in a formal environment, can be found combed down and forward, to just about jut outwards. Attire: Nathan is quite fond of wearing suits, and spends quite a bit of money on acquiring them, and he [i]does[/i] a very good sense of fashion, when it comes to formal wear, which is something incredibly odd for the large man. But due to the kind of wear and tear they'd have to experience with him, he usually buys wool, and reserves velvet for occasions, such as when he'd go to some place like a high profile night club. Personality Outward & Innate Personality: Nathan is quite self confident, often to the point of arrogance, and seems to exert an aura of self satisfaction, as if he knows exactly what he's doing, although this is done on purpose, because of the practical applications of looking like that. He's an extrovert as well, often pushing outwards, and attempting to dominate any and all conversation, if it's not going the way he'd like it to be going, and he thrives on dissent and debate. Arguing with others is quite enjoyable for him, but years of military training have made him smart enough to recognize when to shut up, and follow orders, and when he is able to bend the rules, although he often fails to do so. Nathan is also persistent to the point of stupidity/stubbornness, and his resolve and determination is unshakeable. If he sets out to do something, he will not change his mind, and he will not stop. He's not a very subtle person, preferring a shock and awe method for almost anything, and he often claims that his middle name is "Dynamic Entry". He's also got a very terrible sense of humor, in the sense that nobody likes his jokes, which he makes constantly, even in terrible places they shouldn't be made. Example being him making jokes about dead people at a funeral, or him making PTSD jokes when under fire in Afghanistan. This is not to say it's morbid, but just very facetious and sarcastic. Hobbies/Interests: For fun, he enjoys playing any sort of sport, getting into any one with some mediocre level of sportsmanship. Rugby is one of his personal favorites, although he is known to slam dunk occasionally, mainly because these are the only two sports he's actually anything near good at. He likes getting hammered all the way to the last floor of hell. And he has done this so often for the past twenty five years, that he's built up an uncanny resistance to hangovers, and through some miracle, or luck, manages some control over himself, even after having come to the maximum limit for alcohol in his blood. There's also his love for muscle cars and guns, thanks to his almost redneck like upbringing in a family of big game hunters, and soldiers. Skills/Talents: There's very few things Nathan is good at, but he manages to get by on a combination of luck and determination, and the fact that not many normal people will tell a hulking man to stop playing is horrendous attempt at playing Van Halen's [i]Eruption[/i] He knows how to play all three of the main guitar string instruments (the acoustic, the bass, and the electric), but is absolutely horrendous at all of them, and cannot play for shit. He knows this, but still tries to get it right. He also knows the lyrics to virtually every single rock song from the eighties, and will not hesitate to sing them under his breath at any time. But the few things he's good at are what make him. For example, he can be an expert marksman with a rifle, and knows how to put one together in record time. You want someone to drive a car as fast as possible, and not get killed? Nathan is your man. You want someone to cook lasagna for you? Nathan is your man. He can't really cook anything else from scratch, though. His best ability, however, is his ability to work under pressure. He virtually [i]thrives[/i] in such conditions, and its become so that his body will not respond to it with release of endocrines, but with the release of pure adrenaline, although that does make him terrible at things that require slow coordination and patience. Prized Possession: Nathan's most prized possession is a single copy of [i]Kill 'Em All[/i], signed by Kirk Hammett, from back in the nineties. Quote(s): "Kshiji? What a terrible name. Mo' like KSHITji! What, don't like it? Well screw you too." -Nathan Kane, 1998, Sierra Leone, Freetown, to the drug-crazy rebel leader, during the Sierran Civil War. History/Bio: Family: None alive, because they've all died in the daftest possible ways, like his father having been rammed and mauled by a cape bull on a hunting trip. Or his brother having shot himself and bled out due to his mishandling of a Winchester hunting shotgun. One gets the idea. Relationships Relationships: As he's only recently arrived in the city, he's not quite sure what to make of both gangs, and is unlikely to join either, nor has he formed any relationships yet. Will be updated as this RP goes along. Abilities Power Class: Super System Power: Nathan's power is quite weak, and can easily be described with two words, "Slight Augmentation". It essentially mean that every single aspect of him is only slightly augmented, making him only slightly above average in all fields, except perhaps mental intellect, where he's only above average because off experience. For example, where another human, at the age of ten, would have struggled to have lifted a hunting rifle, he managed to lift and aim one, even if it was badly aimed. Or, where the reflexes of another human being would not have allowed him to have survived a piece of falling equipment in a construction site, he would have managed to have jumped out the way, in the nick of time. Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: None Other: Genome [WIP]