[u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Umi Ichikawa[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]Mimic, The Ghouls[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Height:[/b] 198 cm [b]Weight:[/b] 70 kg [b]Faction:[/b] Neutral (In favour of the Vanguard.) [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] White [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Asian - Japanese [b]Physical Appearance:[/b]Umi’s remarkably tall and thin, combined with her white hair it gives her a ghoulish resemblance when seen stalking the streets and darks alleys of the city during the night. It’s rare that she goes outside when it’s not dark. She would fit well into a horror story when giving of such an eerie first impression to almost everyone. Her limbs are long and slender, with thin fingers that have had the nails painted black. Her toenails are usually painted black as well. She moves with confidence, yet strangely as if she’s injured or limping. Her hairstyle is short and spiky, in a punk way, with some medium sized spikes. Obviously her original hair colour is not white, and she dyes it whenever it begins to show too much of the original colour. Her facial features are Asian, with slanted brown eyes and high cheekbones. She’s attractive, and draws attention both because of her eeriness and her beauty. It can be frightening combination depending on where a person meets her. Umi doesn’t have the body of someone who would fight using her hands or legs. She’s too feminine and pretty to consider dirtying herself by fighting hand-to-hand with anyone, unless it’s a matter of life and death, or in the bedroom. Umi loves jewellery. She’s got a couple of long spine finger rings, on her right hand, which are made of silver and ends in claws. On her left hand she has two gold rings, one that is adorned with a diamond. She has a number of expensive necklaces which she changes every now and then. The only visible piercings she has are in her ears, and she wears extravagant jewellery in those too. She never wears any makeup that isn’t black, usually having black lipstick, eye shadow and eyeliner. [b]Attire:[/b] Umi always wears a long black coat, no matter the weather or time of year. She does have a few different ones that fit different seasons better though, with the lighter ones for summer and the warmer ones for winter. When she does go outside her apartment she mostly wears baggy clothes under her coat, making her look a bit like any common street thug, and she would probably have an easier time getting away with it if it wasn’t for her eerie appearance. She doesn’t wear any bright or colourful clothes, sticking to mostly black or dark colours. On her feet she wears sneakers, or other shoes that are good to walk in. Sometimes she’ll wear dresses or similarly feminine clothing, but that’s for special occasions or parties. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] Umi lives by a personal code. Among other things, it tells her to leave those who aren't criminals, gangmembers or a nuisance alone. She steals from criminals without hesitation and keeps most of it for herself, thinking she'll earn enough in a few years to start a family with someone. She saves quite a bit of her money for this purpose, so her future family won't ever need money like she did when growing up. Umi is merciless, especially if someone threatened her or anyone which she considers to be under her protection. She’s slowly building her own legend. That crazy bitch who is bound to end up dead if she continues kicking the hornest nests, but as the years passes she's the one who remains alive. Those who oppose her disappears. She aspires to be more of an antihero than an actual hero, holding onto the belief that it's every man for himself in the hell that life is. Her personal code may make her seem like a good person to those few she helps, but to others she can be quite the nightmare. Umi is a cynical woman who survives one day at a time, never staying too long in the same place, even if she does own an apartment somewhere in Mendel. She enjoys the company of other women, but hasn’t been able to maintain any relationship for a long period of time, as she becomes emotionally abusive towards those she claims she loves after a few months or weeks together. It may go against her code on some level, but she would claim that all’s fair in love and war, that they weren’t innocents. Umi is a nightowl, sleeping during the day and being up during the night. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Umi has got a taste for the darker things in life, whatever it may be. She enjoys snuff movies in particular, but horror and slasher movies work too. She's a gamer as well, playing a lot of online games against others and swearing like crazy when her team sucks or she loses. She’s secretly a fan of J-pop and cute anime shows, though she’d never admit it to anyone alive. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] She's a skilled marksman, even if her favored weapon is a shotgun which she's had modified with gold parts. Great at keeping a low profile and hiding when she needs too. Excellent trapper. She can speak english and japanese, but her japanese is rusty since she doesn't get to use it a lot in real life. She's well liked among the poor that knows of her and has made a sort of network with them, but she's disliked by almost everyone else. She's pretty good at whistling and cooking. [b]Prized Possessions:[/b] Her blinged out shotgun. [b]Quote:[/b] [i]"I'm walking away from the light."[/i] [b]Family:[/b] Yukari Ichikawa/ Mother / Estranged. Lives in California. Takeru Ichikawa/ Father / Dead. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Rabbit[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Ex[/b] | [i]"One of those girls who got away. Still lets me crash on her couch, so I guess she's cool."[/i] | [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Power [b]Power:[/b] [i]Replication:[/i] Umi can replicate herself and objects. Her power is mainly focused on quickly replicating herself, putting the replicants to use by either fighting foes or distracting others from the original. She can destroy the replicants of herself as fast as she created them. It's why she's active during the night and sleeps during the day. Under the cover of darkness, she can confuse others more easily and make it seem like they're being threatened by a larger number of people than just the one person. Her own replicants uses a replicated version of her shotgun to fight. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Transposon has some weaknesses, unfortunately. Umi cannot produce any more than six replicants at a time, and keeping that many up requires serious concentration, making the original almost defenseless and unable to move. If her replicants gets killed before she can retract them she feels a lesser version of their pain and would sustain wounds similar to the blows they took. Her own clones has a similar drawback, but she's practiced enough that she can make it appear beneath their clothes which is one of the reasons why she wears baggy clothes and a long coat. Keeping a replicant in existence for too long draws energy from her, making her weaker. Those replicants who remained in existence for longer than a couple of hours began to develop their own thoughts, which often went against the original's. If she replicates an object she needs to have a good understanding of how it works, or it's not going to be doing anything else than sitting there motionless and breaking whenever someone tries to use it. It's why she gives her clones replicants of the same weapon she has, as she knows how it works well. She couldn't replicate a car or more advanced technology in any other way than appearance. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Genome. [youtube]aXY1yxEKMGg[/youtube]