[b]MEDICAL LOG 005 - NICKI F SHARPE CURRENTLY:[/b][i] Looking for bleach...[/i] Nicki more-or-less ignored the rest of the crew as she meticulously went through every crate, every box, every bag that belonged to her - either personally, or indirectly due to her status as medic - and counted every supply twice until she was certain that everything she had expected to be on board, was on board. In fact, she would've gone right past Serenity if it wasn't for some knee-jerk reaction that caused her to stand up and cast her eyes over the cargo bay. Over there were the men - and Risty - toying around with the idea of playing cards. By the door, Valerie stood out of place and uncomfortable [i]help her settle in when you've got the time, having the co-captain on your side could be handy[/i] and just outside were three people, the captain, Caelum [i]seriously hope you get space-sicknessHOLDONWHOISTHAT-[/i] and...a woman with a floating sheet of paper. "Psyche number three..." murmured Nicki, eyeing Serenity with an almost predatory gaze for half a second. It went by un-noticed by the rest of the crew, as Nicki adjusted her face into a look of politely hostile curiosity into what Caelum [i]I hate you so much[/i] was up to. Nicki's eyes settled on the security pad that opened the doors, and stayed there, staring very intensely at it as Caelum punched the numbers in. [i]Remember that. REMEMBER THAT. YOU'RE GOING TO NEED THAT CODE.[/i] Nicki made a mental note of the code to the security door. Instead of drifting with the crowd towards the rooms, Nicki made a detour. She felt her way around the corridors, peering around curiously. Over there, were the bowels of the ship, Risty's place of work...and up there, the helm, where Nicki could bug Caelum [i]hit your head on the steering wheel and don't get up[/i], the mess hall, the rooms again, and...aha, there it was, the medbay. A large first aid cross was spray-painted in red across the door, with some hostile white font that imposed the word "MEDICAL STATION" into Nicki's eyeballs. Next to it, an old console which required a password to gain entry, but Nicki had a feeling that she could probably find a similar looking panel on the other side of the door with the option to keep this particular door open just in case someone's managed to accidentally remove their arms from their body and can't type a password with their nose whilst suffering blood loss and panic attacks. With a shrug, Nicki put in the same passcode Caelum [i]Get your arms ripped off please[/i] used on the door to the cargo bay, and smirked as the door opened up. "SWEET MOTHER OF MARS!" shrieked Nicki, stumbling back and hitting the wall behind her with a loud THUD. Horrifying was an understatement. The medbay looked like a torture chamber, and smelt like one too - the smell of ancient urine and rotting blood was seeping out of the doors like a wall of stench. Every surface - EVERY surface - had these strange, nail-like grooves scraped across them. There was at least an inch of dust covering every bottle, medical tool and book in the room, and the hospital bed...still covered in blood, unclean surgical equipment strewn across the little cart beside it, thick metal restraints for the wrists, ankles and neck...It was no wonder Nicki screamed. She stands there, pressed against the wall opposite the entrance, chest heaving as she tried to figure out what kind of psychopath would perform surgery in this room, and tried to ignore that constant thought that replied to the question, the thought that said [i]probably someone who used too much Psyche, just like me...[/i]